文件名称: CMAQ安装笔记.pdf
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 详细说明:CMAQ的安装笔记,其中包括了所需库的安装和CMAQ源代码的编译运行,最后还有WRF的安装介绍。配置安装信息. CPPFLAGS=l/usr/loca/ netcdf/include LDFLAGS / usr/local/nctcdf/lib. configure --prcfix=/usr/local/nctcdf 编译 make 绵详信息检查 make check 安装 make install 配置环境变量 配置环境变量 终端中输入ⅵim-/. bashrc按进入插入模式,输入如下信息 升 netcdf44 export NETCDF=/usr/localnelcdn export PatH=SNETCDF/bin: SPATH export LD LIBRARY PATH=SNETCDF/lib: SLD LIBRARY PATH export CPPFLAGs=-Iusr/local/ netcdf/include export LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local netcdf/lib 输入完成保存退出(先按esc键,然后输入:wq保存退出) 使环境变量生效 终端中输入 Source~/ bashrc 查看安装了那些组件 nc-config --all This netCDF 4.3.2 has been built with the following features - -cflags -> -/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include-I/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include libs ->-Lusr/local/netcdf4-needed/lib-Inetcdf has-cH+ no ves fc >gfortran --fflags >-/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include fibs ->-L/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/lib -Inetcdff-L/usr/local/netcd f4-neededlib -Inetcdf has-dal no has-hdf4 - no -has-pnetcdf->no --prefix -/usr/local/netcdf4-needed --includedir-> /usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include --version - netCDF 4.3.2 nf-config --all ThisnetCDF-Fortran 4.4.0 has been built with the following features ctags ->-lusr/local/netcdf4-needed/include-I/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include rt fflags->-I/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/include fibs ->-L/usr/local/netcd f4-needed/ib - ff-L/usr/local/netcdf4-needed/lib -Inetcdf-Inetcdf -has-f90. >no --haS-f03->ycs -has- nc2-> yes prefix ->/usr/local/netcdf4-needed --includedir- >/usr/local/ netcdf4-needed/include --vcrsion -> nctcDF-Fortran 44.0 安装 下载安装包安装 tar xf mpich-3.3.tar.gi cd mpIc .configure --prefix=/usr/local/mpich makc nake -]4 check sudo make - 4 install 设置环境变量: 在~ bashrc添加一下内容: export PaTH=/usr/local/mpich/bin: SPATH; export LD LIBRARY PATH=/usr/local/mpich/lib: SLD LIBRARY PATHN export MaNPaTH=/usr/local/ mpich/share/man: SIMANPATHA 使环境变量生效 source bashrc 四、安装 下载与机器相匹配的预编译包 http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/download/listofbinariesshtml USERSNCLExamplesFuncbions whats New Support Extern designed specifically for scientific Geung starred NCAR is orcd data analysis and visualization y the National Fourdation Fortable, robust, and free, NCL is nct necessar relet the e№: ion Scance F 45, HDF-EOS 2/5, shapefile Numerous analys is functions are For nuactinns ahnut tha nivet to python eated and customized with hundreds of graphic resources urrcnt Version: 6.5.3 在下载页面中我们看到,总共有3种安装方式,分别是 二进制安装包 源码编译安装。 选择安装起来比较简单快捷的进制编译包,即第2种方式。点击里面的 a list ofbinaries 链接。进入到二进制安装包的下载页面。 Download Citing NCL Contributors IMPORTANT: LETTER TO NCL USERs NCL Exampl Functions Resources popular Links what's New Suppart External NCAR is s Search NCAR Command Language at onal science Foundatio Installing NCL Version 6.5. 0 is the current NCL Is available for acos, unux, and Windows systems running e ther Cygwin or the Widows 10 Linux subsystem. NCL and NCAR Graphics are available as one package ard collectively referred to as" NCL", There are three ways to install NCL version 6.5.0, wnich takes up about 300 megabytes of disk space 1. Usina conda This is U e edsiesL Ille hod for inisLdllinig NCL, bul is ur ly evcildble fo: Macos dIld LilIx sysLe IIs. wirccvis users who are running Cygwin should use the next option This is the long-standing method where you down oac a precompiled vers on of NCl from a list cf binaries are availahle for varous Maco s, I inlIx, and windows Cygwin systems 3. Downloading the NCL source code and bu lding it yourself This is the most difficult mA hod. rt requirEs hililcing cr install ing erternal packages hat NcI depends on arc hais is ie o cin ie d ya,ike this sort of thing. itherwice, we highly recommend "hat you se aprecompilat od is only recommenced if youl are am liar with hilding software on hinary f possihle. Hllilding from snIIrce ccce is not trivia Optionally, if you need access to h gh-reso ution map ccastines, then download the RANGS/GSHHS database Test NCL 在下载血,提供了多个 Linux平台的下载链接,这里使用的是 Centos7.5,因此就选 择了 Centos对应的包,如下面第一张图中所示,直接点击这个链接。然后浏览器的下 载工具就会开始下载进制安装包。因为链接在国外,下载速度可能会慢一些,耐心等 待卜载完成。 IT you aon t. For furtner Intormation acout LInIX, see these Linux rotes Tor ccnve nience, we've provided a direct link to eac gzipped tar fle on the Climate data Gateway so you can Lly Iru oPcNDAP-cnablcd binaries nc_ncarg65.0·c∈ntos.10_64itgn47. tar.gz G10 LIN ncL_ncarg-65.0-Cento57 4_64bit_-gnu730 tar: gz bit binary for Centos 7. 4 LINUX (comp led with gcc/gfortran 7.3.0) nal_ncarg-6.5.0-Centos75_64bit_gnu485targz 64-bit binary for Centos 7. 5 LINUX (comp led with gcc/gfortran 1.8.5) ncl_ncarg-6.5.0 gnu/2.tar. gz 32-bit binary for De bian 7.11 LINUX Ccomp led with gcc/gfortran 4. /.2 ncl ncarg-6.5.0-Debian7 11_64bit_qu472 tar gz 54-bit binary for Debian 7 11 LINUX CLUImPlei wiLl ycw/yor Uidrl 4.7.2) ncLncarg-6.5.0-DEbiar81164bit_gnL492targz 64-bit binary for Debian 8.11 LINUX (comp led with gcc/gfortran 1.9.2 ncLncarg-6.5.0-DEbiar9 4_64Dit-gnu630, targa 54-bit binary for Debian 9 4 LINUX (comp led with gcc/gfortran 6. 3.U) ncl ncarg 6.5.0 Gusc12 64bit cnu620 ta 54 bit binary for SuG[ 12 LINUX CLUImIPle wiLlI ycw/yfor LIdrl (UIlileIs ver surl nal_ncarg 6 5.0 GuS[12_64bit_gnu730targz 5 bit binary for SuGE 12 LINUX (comp led with gccgfortran compilers vers on 下载安装包存放路径在 usr/local/ncl-65.0 HF E tar-xZvf ncl ncarg-6.5.0. Linux CentOS75 x86 64 gce485 targz 解压完后,nc16.5.0目录下有三个目录bin, include,lib 设置环境变量: bash的在在~. bashrc添加一下内容: INCL export Ncarg ROoT=/usr/local/ncl export NcaRG LiB=/usr/local/ncI/lib export ncarg INC=/usr/local/ncl/include export path=PatH: /usr/local/ncl/bir 使环境变量生效 source ahrc 检查是否安装成功及版本 cl-V 6.5.0 五、安装 下载 VO API 进入CAMSCenter,htps:/www.cmascenter.org/ioapl登录 CMASAAELAX司 lelp. Download Software, Conference, Training. Resources. User Details- Log ot HONE/ OAPI VO API Important Links Latest version oaPi version 3. 2 HUTIE Pect Building and stalling DOWNLOAD ] DOCUMMENTATION Wnats Me rouble-shootI? Requirements Document (1991-20C1) Training Nulices License Cuuiuhls, Ae kicvlecuetenls There curretly is no raring availabl= for io api 点击: DOWNLOAD 版本选择如下 community Modeing and Anaysis System CMASamexa Help nnwnlcad Software Conference Training ResourcEs Iser details I ng Oit HOME DOW/HLOAD FORMS STEF 2 Software Download, Step 2 Pcasc sclcct a particular sofware from the ist. You can also opt nally providc nformaton about your p ation ard compicr for our dcvclopcrs ualdtdst. Closing d plaform/lumpier will fli ir ilueiice your nEl dowr load oLins elect the product ycu wish to download: IOAP1 3.2 wnat platform wll tnis run ont i inlr w What compiler will you ude?GNU Compilers 提交下载 CMASoa4xa Download Softwarc, Confeercc User Details HOME DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE OAPI IOAPI32 1O API Version 3.2 To set up the Installaton 1. own loed the gzipped :1oap-g2tarazIt conlars drectores kospi or ns Ap Orary source code, HT. for the accum too: tor ne relate] Icol onpa st Tor /anous testorograms and no-cdf tof tne NCEP utica a ibar a ourmy floral, I nsta letion slles tr a jor t allow ner on-siLe 2.1能 etw LIMer wICI y』Ws则1 API curl p dnc ur Ldr (ydi JY和-32 Ldr. L/ ues u1b Ir 4. Fur tah uested ol fiyur liuxi stier Bll s/dcrwr eye>, valiere Il latches lhe ex aIsin unI uMIt of thie 1cax1/vakeinclide+ Tlien uL e WuWtv=I llieke ui s u Lulu u t utje-I-Lire. LJIit> e usu! Hallein ue yt: lewdly s』Hb se err BYname s"CLA-a.-17 安装 参考指南 http:/blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?do=blog&id=1050897&mod=space&uid=200199 mkdir ioapi31/Linux2 x86 64 vim -/ bashrc export bin=Linux2 X86 64 source bash 修改 oapi目录下的 Makeinclude. linux2x8664 vim makcincludc Linux2 x86 64 4.7以上版本的 gfortran可能会出现不兼谷问题,因此需要删除或注释抻 ARCHFLGs 项中的- DNEED ARGS=1保存修改后的 Makeinclude linux2x8664 安装 makc 查看 Linux2x8664中是否有 libioapi.a 如果没安装成功,在iapi中运行 make clean,修改后重新make 六、安装 直接复制原来脚本:WRFV3Chem-37 TAR. gz、WRFV3.7 TAR. gz、WPSV3.7 TAR.gz到 安装wf需要再安装两个库文件 libpng和 Jasper 下载两个库文件的源代码并解压 cd libpng-1 6.21 /configure- -prefix=/usr/loca 1/libpng make make install cd jasper-190021 /configure--prefix=/usr/localljasper make make install 最后值得注意的是要把这些路径放到环境变量里面。 对这个三个文件进行解压tar-xvf tar- xIf WSSv3.7 TAR. gZ生成WPS tar-xⅤ f WRFV37TAR.gz生成WRFV3 tarXⅤ f wRFV3-Chcm-37TARg7生成chem my chem WrFv3 先安装WRF cd WrFV3 configure根据编译器选择(本机为gco)选34再选1 huilding WRF with chemistry option building WRF with K PP chemistry apt inn will use timeto report timing in formation If you REALLY want Grit2 output fr modify the arch/ Contig new pl script Right now you arc not getting the Jaspar lib, irom the environment, compiled into WRF. 3.(dmpar) 4. (cm-sm Pil (pgfylgre) S(serial) 6(smpar) 7.(dmpar) X(dm+sm, P il (pgfynipe c ) St il MPI g (serial) 10. (smpar) 1l(drpar) 12. idm-em) PGI (pgf/gec): PGl accelerator 13. (serial) 14. (smpar) 15.(dmpar) 16. icm-sm) INTEL(iforticc) 17(dml sm) INTEL (fort/ice ) Xcon Thi(MIC architecturc) 18(serial) 19(smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21.(crm-sm INTEL (ifirticc): Xeon(SNB with AvX mDds 22 (serial) 23. (smpar) 24 (dmpar) 25. icm-sm) INTEL(iforuicc): SGI MPT 6.(serial) 27.(smpar) 28(dmpar) 29(cm-sm) INTEL(iforUicc): I BM POE 31(dmFar 22(serial) 33. (smpar) 34.(dmpar) 35. icm-sm) GNU (gfortren/gcc) 26(serial)37. (smpar)28(dmpar) 39. icm-sm) BM(xlpo I/cc ry 41(sinpar)42.(dpar) 43. idm-sm ?Gl (ftn/gcc): Cray XC CLE 44 45.(smpar) 46(dmpar) 47 (cm-sm CRAY CCE (fin/gcc): Cray XE and XC sinpar (serial))i(smpar) 4(dmpa) 5. (cm Pil (refil necc .(serial) 57.(smpar) 58(dmpa) 59. icm-sm) PGl /gce):-19o=gigo Enter sclcction [1-631: 34 Compile for nesting?(1-basic. 2=Preset muvEs. 3-=vortex following [default 1]:1 Configuration successful MPl Camm t2c and MPl Comm e2f cre supported testing for fsccko and fsccko64 fsccko4 is supported testing for MPl Conm f2c and MPI Cemm c2f IPI Camm t2c and MPI Comm c2f are suprorle testing for fserko and fseako64 fseeko64 is supported FCREDUCEDONT S(FCOPTIM) FCNOOPT FCDEBUG Fg S(FCNOOPT) #-C-Ktraplp-tracetack FORMAT FIXED fixed FORMAT FREE -Miree BYTESWAPIO FCBASEOPTS NO w S(FORMAT FREE) S(BYTESWAPIO)S(OMP FCBASEOPTS S(FCBASEOPTS NO G)S(FCDEBUGI MODULE SRCH FLAG Imodule S(WRF SRC ROOT DIR)main ARFLAGS m4-B1400 RANLIB CC TOOLS SCO) 计什计什计计计计力性 If yuu wish to change settings. please edit that file. If you wish to change the default options, edit the file: arch configure newdefaults esting for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler This instal ation of NetCDF i: 64-bit Fortran compiler is 4-bit /compile em real (等待大概1小时左右,成功后会在main文件夹下生成四个exe文件( down.exe, real exe,tc.exe,wrf:exe)及其余若干个文件 对wPS进行编译 configure选1 C e 生成两个( metric.exe和 geogrid. exe)文件,经过搜索发现是 修改 configure.wps里面 compression libs和 compression ind,原是 COMPRESSION LIBS -L/usr/inter/jasper/lib/-ljasper- lpng-lz COMPRESSION INC=-Iusrinter/jasper /include 我的设置如下: COMPRESSION LIBS L/usr/local/jasper/lib/-ljasper-lpng-lz COMPRESSION INC -W/usr/local/jasper/include/ 后来搜索发现是 bashrc里面的路径写错了,现已修改,并重新编译wPS,无报错, 成功生成三个exe文件,后经过测试可以。 解压成功以后会形成三个exe文件 (ungrib. exe -> ungrib/src/ungribexe metgrid. exe-> metgrid/srcimetgrid exe



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