

  1. 虚拟蜜罐—从Botnet追踪到入侵检测

  2. Virtual.Honeypots.From.Botnet.Tracking.to.Intrusion.Detection.chm 一本很好的介绍蜜罐概念,以及搭建方法的书。
  3. 所属分类:网络攻防

    • 发布日期:2009-05-12
    • 文件大小:4194304
    • 提供者:MuHaoying
  1. An Advanced Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Botnet

  2. A “botnet” consists of a network of compromised computers controlled by an attacker (“botmaster”). Recently botnets have become the root cause of many Internet attacks. To be well prepared for future attacks, it is not enough to study how to detect
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2009-10-23
    • 文件大小:162816
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. Deep Analysis of Intending Peer-to-Peer Botnet

  2. Botnet has recently been identified as one of the most important security threats of the Internet. So we should study the new technology which may be used by botmaster in the near future. In this paper we predict the new feature of the next generati
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2009-10-23
    • 文件大小:271360
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. P2P as botnet command and control- A deeper insight

  2. The research community is now focusing on the integration of peer-to-peer (P2P) concepts as incremental improvements to distributed malicious software networks (now generically referred to as botnets). While much research exists in the field of P2P
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2009-10-23
    • 文件大小:133120
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. Towards Next-Generation Botnets

  2. In this paper, we introduce the design of an advanced bot called Rambot that is based on the weaknesses we found when tracking a diverse set of botnets over a period of several months. The main features of this bot are peer-to-peer communication, st
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2009-10-23
    • 文件大小:132096
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. A study of peer-to-peer botnets 国外的一片硕士论文

  2. Botnets pose a great threat to all resources connected to the Internet. Systems not properly secured may potentially become part of a botnet army, while all systems are potential targets of a botnet attack. Two important facets in mitigating the thr
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2010-05-01
    • 文件大小:920576
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. A Taxonomy of Botnet Structures

  2. We propose a taxonomy of botnet structures, based on their utility to the botmaster. We propose key metrics to measure their utility for various activities (e.g., spam, ddos). Using these performance metrics, we consider the ability of different res
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2010-05-01
    • 文件大小:286720
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. Modeling Peer-to-Peer Botnets

  2. Peer-to-peer botnets are a relatively new yet rapidly growing Internet threat. In the year since its introduction in January 2007, the Storm Worm peer-to-peer botnet has become the largest botnet on the Internet. Unlike previous botnets operating ov
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2010-05-01
    • 文件大小:947200
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. As the Net Churns: Fast-Flux Botnet Observations

  2. While botnets themselves provide a rich platform for financial gain for the botnet master, the use of the infected hosts as webservers can provide an additional botnet use. Botnet herders often use fast-flux DNS techniques to host unwanted or illega
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2010-05-01
    • 文件大小:134144
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. My Botnet is Bigger than Yours (Maybe, Better than Yours) :why size estimates remain challenging

  2. As if fueled by its own fire, curiosity and speculation regarding botnet sizes abounds. Among researchers, in the press, and in the classroom—the questions regarding the widespread effect of botnets seem never-ending: what are they? how many are the
  3. 所属分类:网络基础

    • 发布日期:2010-05-01
    • 文件大小:249856
    • 提供者:borelist
  1. BOTNET 原代码

  2. BOTNET 原代码 其作用 不言自明 大家看看把
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2010-12-07
    • 文件大小:89088
    • 提供者:hongjiling1983
  1. Virtual Honeypots - From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection

  2. Virtual Honeypots - From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection.chm
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2011-01-12
    • 文件大小:4194304
    • 提供者:michaelgz
  1. A Proposed Framework for P2P Botnet Detection

  2. Botnet is most widespread and occurs commonly in today‘s cyber attacks, resulting in serious threats to our network assets and organization’s properties. Botnets are collections of compromised computers (Bots) which are remotely controlled by its or
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2011-02-06
    • 文件大小:311296
    • 提供者:sharptime
  1. botnet survey

  2. 最新的BOTNET survey,供大家参考
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2008-08-28
    • 文件大小:230400
    • 提供者:FLYFIGHT
  1. Storm Worm & Botnet Analysis

  2. Analysis report for storm worm && botnet
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2008-10-15
    • 文件大小:911360
    • 提供者:Kendiv
  1. 2019-Botnet-Trend-Report.pdf

  2. 僵尸网络(后文统称为Botnet)是当今互联网威胁的重要载体。DDoS攻击、广告捆绑、挖矿、信 息窃取等行为持续依托Botnet进行活动,而某些勒索软件会通过Botnet进行传播,甚至APT攻击也开 始使用Botnet探路。近年来,越来越多的Botnet开始使用BaaS(Botnet as a Service)的方式提供服务, 该方式降低了不法分子进行持续威胁的成本,同时也提高了他们控制Botnet的便利性。这导致Botnet 数量不断攀升,规模不断扩大,严重危害互联网生态环境,需要对其进行对抗
  3. 所属分类:网络安全

    • 发布日期:2020-02-22
    • 文件大小:4194304
    • 提供者:buptedwin
  1. 网络恶意程序“Botnet”的检测技术的分析

  2. 目前Botnet技术发展最为快速,不论是对网络安全运行还是用户数据安全的保护来说,Botnet都是极具威胁的隐患。介绍了Botnet技术的同时也对Botnet检测技术进行了研究,对几种主要的Botnet检测技术进行了深入分析。
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2020-07-04
    • 文件大小:159744
    • 提供者:weixin_38708223
  1. Botnet-Zoo:整理每个流行的botnet家族的专杀脚本,靶机环境,检测规则,病毒样本,病毒原理图-源码

  2. 僵尸网络 整理每个流行的botnet家族的专杀脚本,靶机环境,检测规则,病毒样本,病毒原理图 StartMiner/ # 家族名 | |---2010/ # 2020年10月变种 | |--- analyzer/ # yara规则、威胁向量 |--- killer/ # 专杀脚本 |--- malbox/ # docker靶机环境 |--- picture/ # 病毒原理图
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-03-04
    • 文件大小:190840832
    • 提供者:weixin_42116847
  1. crh-botnet:自主机器人的机器人网络库(CS570HO)-源码

  2. CRH僵尸网络 完整的文档可以在找到。 安装 克隆或下载存储库,然后 python3.7 setup.py install 您也可以从pip安装 python3.7 -m pip install crh-botnet 运行服务器 您可以通过以下方式运行开发服务器 python3.7 -m crh_botnet.server 您还可以更改监听地址和/或端口 python3.7 -m crh_botnet.server -h -p 8000 默认为0.0.0.0:5003
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-02-09
    • 文件大小:28672
    • 提供者:weixin_42144554
  1. KratosKnife:KratosKnife是用python 3编写的用于Windows OS的高级BOTNET。 带有许多高级功能,例如持久性和VM检测方法,内置活页夹等-源码

  2. 克拉托斯刀 KratosKnife是用于Windows OS的python 3编写的高级BOTNET。 带有许多高级功能,例如持久性和VM检测方法,内置活页夹等 免责声明 :laptop_computer: 该项目仅出于良好目的和个人用途而创建。 本软件按“原样”提供,没有任何形式的保证。 您可能会自行承担使用此软件的风险。 使用是最终用户的完全责任。 开发人员不承担任何责任,也不对本程序引起的任何误用或损坏负责。 注意:某些功能正在开发中 攻击者/管理面板中可用的命令 客户命令 地点 偷
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-02-01
    • 文件大小:5242880
    • 提供者:weixin_42138703
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