Git 是一个快速、可扩展的分布式版本控制系统,它具有极为丰富的命令集,对内部系统提供了高级操作和完全访问。git是所谓版本控制系统(Version Control System),从狭义上来说,它是软件项目开发过程中用于储存我们所写的代码所有修订版本的软件,但事实上我们可以将任何对项目有帮助的文档交付版本控制系统进行管理。
This book is aimed at the developer who does not particularly like Subversion, Perforce or whatever SCM system they are currently using, has heard good things about Git, but doesn’t know where to start or why it’s so wonderful.
Development teams around the globe are changing. They are dropping their clunky, old, centralized version control systems (VCSs) in favor of Git, which is a lightweight, distributed version control system (DVCS) and relative newcomer to the version