文件名称: php_manual_zh
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  提 供 者: dana_*****
 详细说明: 目录 前言 作者和贡献者 作者与编辑 用户注释维护者 I. 入门指引 1. 简介 PHP 是什么? PHP 能做什么? 2. 简明教程 需要些什么? 第一个 PHP 页面 实用的脚本 处理表单 在新版本的 PHP 中使用旧的 PHP 代码 下一步做什么? II. 安装与配置 1. 安装前需要考虑的事项 2. Unix 系统下的安装 Unix 系统下的 Apache 1.3.x Unix 系统下的 Apache 2.0 Caudium 服务器 fhttpd 服务器 Sun Solaris 上的 Sun、iPlanet 和 Netscape 服务器 CGI 环境和对 php.ini 推荐的修改 错误页面及自造目录列表的特别使用 (PHP >= 4.3.3) 关于 nsapi_virtual 和子请求的注意事项(PHP >= 4.3.3) CGI 和命令行设置 测试 基准测试 使用变量 在 HP-UX 系统下的安装 在 OpenBSD 系统下的安装 使用二进制包安装 使用软件包 常见问题 早期发布版本 在 Solaris 下的安装 需要的软件 使用软件包 在 Gentoo 系统下的安装 使用 Portage (emerge) 配置时进行更好的控制 常见问题 Debian GNU/Linux 安装说明 使用 APT 更好地控制配置 常见问题 3. Mac OS X 系统下的安装 使用软件包 在 Mac OS X 服务器版编译 在 Mac OS X 客户版编译 4. Windows 系统下的安装 Windows 安装程序 手工安装步骤 ActiveScript Microsoft IIS/PWS PHP 与 IIS 安装的通用事项 Windows NT/200x/XP 和 IIS 4 或更高版本 Windows 和 PWS 4 Windows 和 PWS/IIS 3 Microsoft Windows 下的 Apache 1.3.x 作为 Apache 的模块安装 作为 CGI 可执行文件的安装 Microsoft Windows 下的 Apache 2.0.x 以 CGI 方式安装 以 Apache 模块方式安装 Microsoft Windows 下的 Sun,iPlanet 和 Netscape 服务器 Sun,iPlanet 和 Netscape 服务器的 CGI 方式安装 Sun,iPlanet 和 Netscape 服务器的 NSAPI 方式 CGI 环境以及推荐在 php.ini 中进行的修改 错误页面的特殊使用或定制目录列表(PHP >= 4.3.3) 有关 nsapi_virtual 和子请求(PHP >= 4.3.3)的说明 OmniHTTPd Server Microsoft Windows 下的 Sambar 服务器 Microsoft Windows 下的 Xitami 从源程序编译 需求 放到一起 编译 resolv.lib 用新编译系统编译 PHP(仅适用于 PHP >=5) 用 DSW 文件编译 PHP(PHP 4) Windows 下安装扩展库 5. PECL 扩展库安装 PECL 安装介绍 下载 PECL 扩展库 Windows 用户的 PECL 用 PEAR 编译共享 PECL 扩展库 用 phpize 编译共享 PECL 扩展库 将 PECL 扩展库静态编译入 PHP 6. 还有问题? 阅读 FAQ 其它问题 错误报告 7. 运行时配置 配置文件 怎样修改配置设定 PHP 运行于 Apache 模块方式 通过 Windows 注册表修改 PHP 配置 其它接口下的 PHP III. 语言参考 1. 基本语法 从 HTML 中分离 指令分隔符 注释 2. 类型 介绍 布尔型 语法 转换为布尔值 整型 语法 整数溢出 转换为整形 浮点型 转换为浮点数 字符串 语法 实用函数及运算符 字符串转换 字符串转换为数值 数组 语法 实用函数 数组做什么和不做什么 转换为数组 比较 例子 对象 对象初始化 转换为对象 资源 转换为资源 释放资源 NULL 语法 本文档中使用的伪类型 mixed number callback 类型戏法 类型强制转换 3. 变量 基础 预定义变量 变量范围 global 关键字 使用静态变量 全局和静态变量的引用 可变变量 来自 PHP 之外的变量 HTML 表单(GET 和 POST) HTTP Cookies 变量名中的点 确定变量类型 4. 常量 语法 魔术常量 5. 表达式 6. 运算符 运算符优先级 算术运算符 赋值运算符 位运算符 比较运算符 三元运算符 错误控制运算符 执行运算符 递增/递减运算符 逻辑运算符 字符串运算符 数组运算符 类型运算符 7. 控制结构 if else elseif 流程控制的替代语法 while do-while for foreach break continue switch declare Ticks return require include require_once include_once 8. 函数 用户自定义函数 函数的参数 通过引用传递参数 默认参数的值 可变长度参数列表 返回值 变量函数 内部(内置)函数 9. 类与对象(PHP 4) 类 继承 构造函数 范围解析操作符(::) parent 序列化对象 - 会话中的对象 魔术函数 __sleep 和 __wakeup 构造函数中的引用 对象的比较 10. 类与对象(PHP 5) 前言 基本概念 class new extends 自动加载对象 构造函数和析构函数 构造函数 析构函数 访问控制 对类成员的访问控制 对方法的访问控制 范围解析操作符(::) Static Keyword Class Constants Class Abstraction Object Interfaces implements 范例 Overloading Member overloading Method overloading Object Iteration Patterns Factory Singleton Magic Methods __sleep and __wakeup __toString __set_state Final Keyword Object cloning Comparing objects Reflection Introduction ReflectionException ReflectionFunction ReflectionParameter ReflectionClass ReflectionObject ReflectionMethod ReflectionProperty ReflectionExtension Extending the reflection classes Type Hinting 11. 异常处理 扩展 PHP 内置的异常处理类 12. 引用的解释 引用是什么 引用做什么 引用不是什么 引用传递 引用返回 取消引用 引用定位 global 引用 $this IV. 安全 1. 简介 2. 总则 3. 以 CGI 模式安装时 可能受到的攻击 情形一:只运行公开的文件 情形二:使用 --enable-force-cgi-redirect 选项 情形三:设置 doc_root 或 user_dir 情形四:PHP 解释器放在 web 目录以外 4. 以 Apache 模块安装时 5. 文件系统安全 6. 数据库安全 设计数据库 连接数据库 加密存储模型 SQL 注入 预防措施 7. 错误报告 8. 使用 Register Globals 9. 用户提交的数据 10. 魔术引号 什么是魔术引号 为什么要用魔术引号 为什么不用魔术引号 关闭魔术引号 11. 隐藏 PHP 12. 保持更新 V. 特点 1. 用 PHP 进行 HTTP 认证 2. Cookie 3. 会话 4. 处理 XForms 5. 文件上传处理 POST 方法上传 错误信息说明 常见缺陷 上传多个文件 对 PUT 方法的支持 6. 使用远程文件 7. 连接处理 8. 数据库永久连接 9. 安全模式 保安措施和安全模式 被安全模式限制或屏蔽的函数 10. PHP 的命令行模式 VI. 函数参考 I. .NET dotnet_load - 加载一个 DOTNET 模块 II. Apache apache_child_terminate - 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 进程 apache_get_modules - Get a list of loaded Apache modules apache_get_version - Fetch Apache version apache_getenv - Get an Apache subprocess_env variable apache_lookup_uri - 对指定的 URI 执行部分请求并返回所有有关信息 apache_note - 取得或设置 apache 请求记录 apache_request_headers - Fetch all HTTP request headers apache_reset_timeout - Reset the Apache write timer apache_response_headers - Fetch all HTTP response headers apache_setenv - Set an Apache subprocess_env variable ascii2ebcdic - Translate string from ASCII to EBCDIC ebcdic2ascii - Translate string from EBCDIC to ASCII getallheaders - Fetch all HTTP request headers virtual - Perform an Apache sub-request III. APC apc_cache_info - Retrieves cached information (and meta-data) from APC's data store apc_clear_cache - Clears the APC cache apc_define_constants - Defines a set of constants for later retrieval and mass-definition apc_delete - Removes a stored variable from the cache apc_fetch - Fetch a stored variable from the cache apc_load_constants - Loads a set of constants from the cache apc_sma_info - Retrieves APC's Shared Memory Allocation information apc_store - Cache a variable in the data store IV. APD apd_breakpoint - Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket apd_callstack - Returns the current call stack as an array apd_clunk - Throw a warning and a callstack apd_continue - Restarts the interpreter apd_croak - Throw an error, a callstack and then exit apd_dump_function_table - Outputs the current function table apd_dump_persistent_resources - Return all persistent resources as an array apd_dump_regular_resources - Return all current regular resources as an array apd_echo - Echo to the debugging socket apd_get_active_symbols - Get an array of the current variables names in the local scope apd_set_pprof_trace - Starts the session debugging apd_set_session_trace - Starts the session debugging apd_set_session - Changes or sets the current debugging level apd_set_socket_session_trace - Starts the remote session debugging override_function - Overrides built-in functions rename_function - Renames orig_name to new_name in the global function_table V. Arrays array_change_key_case - 返回字符串键名全为小写或大写的数组 array_chunk - 将一个数组分割成多个 array_combine - 创建一个数组,用一个数组的值作为其键名,另一个数组的值作为其值 array_count_values - 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数 array_diff_assoc - 带索引检查计算数组的差集 array_diff_key - 使用键名比较计算数组的差集 array_diff_uassoc - 用用户提供的回调函数做索引检查来计算数组的差集 array_diff_ukey - 用回调函数对键名比较计算数组的差集 array_diff - 计算数组的差集 array_fill - 用给定的值填充数组 array_filter - 用回调函数过滤数组中的单元 array_flip - 交换数组中的键和值 array_intersect_assoc - 带索引检查计算数组的交集 array_intersect_key - 使用键名比较计算数组的交集 array_intersect_uassoc - 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较索引 array_intersect_ukey - 用回调函数比较键名来计算数组的交集 array_intersect - 计算数组的交集 array_key_exists - 检查给定的键名或索引是否存在于数组中 array_keys - 返回数组中所有的键名 array_map - 将回调函数作用到给定数组的单元上 array_merge_recursive - 递归地合并一个或多个数组 array_merge - 合并一个或多个数组 array_multisort - 对多个数组或多维数组进行排序 array_pad - 用值将数组填补到指定长度 array_pop - 将数组最后一个单元弹出(出栈) array_product - 计算数组中所有值的乘积 array_push - 将一个或多个单元压入数组的末尾(入栈) array_rand - 从数组中随机取出一个或多个单元 array_reduce - 用回调函数迭代地将数组简化为单一的值 array_reverse - 返回一个单元顺序相反的数组 array_search - 在数组中搜索给定的值,如果成功则返回相应的键名 array_shift - 将数组开头的单元移出数组 array_slice - 从数组中取出一段 array_splice - 把数组中的一部分去掉并用其它值取代 array_sum - 计算数组中所有值的和 array_udiff_assoc - 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据 array_udiff_uassoc - 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据和索引 array_udiff - 用回调函数比较数据来计算数组的差集 array_uintersect_assoc - 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据 array_uintersect_uassoc - 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据和索引 array_uintersect - 计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据 array_unique - 移除数组中重复的值 array_unshift - 在数组开头插入一个或多个单元 array_values - 返回数组中所有的值 array_walk_recursive - 对数组中的每个成员递归地应用用户函数 array_walk - 对数组中的每个成员应用用户函数 array - 新建一个数组 arsort - 对数组进行逆向排序并保持索引关系 asort - 对数组进行排序并保持索引关系 compact - 建立一个数组,包括变量名和它们的值 count - 计算数组中的单元数目或对象中的属性个数 current - 返回数组中的当前单元 each - 返回数组中当前的键/值对并将数组指针向前移动一步 end - 将数组的内部指针指向最后一个单元 extract - 从数组中将变量导入到当前的符号表 in_array - 检查数组中是否存在某个值 key - 从关联数组中取得键名 krsort - 对数组按照键名逆向排序 ksort - 对数组按照键名排序 list - 把数组中的值赋给一些变量 natcasesort - 用“自然排序”算法对数组进行不区分大小写字母的排序 natsort - 用“自然排序”算法对数组排序 next - 将数组中的内部指针向前移动一位 pos - current 的别名 prev - 将数组的内部指针倒回一位 range - 建立一个包含指定范围单元的数组 reset - 将数组的内部指针指向第一个单元 rsort - 对数组逆向排序 shuffle - 将数组打乱 sizeof - count 的别名 sort - 对数组排序 uasort - 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的值进行排序并保持索引关联 uksort - 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的键名进行排序 usort - 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的值进行排序 VI. Aspell aspell_check_raw - Check a word without changing its case or trying to trim it [deprecated] aspell_check - Check a word [deprecated] aspell_new - Load a new dictionary [deprecated] aspell_suggest - Suggest spellings of a word [deprecated] VII. BC math bcadd - Add two arbitrary precision numbers bccomp - Compare two arbitrary precision numbers bcdiv - Divide two arbitrary precision numbers bcmod - Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number bcmul - Multiply two arbitrary precision number bcpow - Raise an arbitrary precision number to another bcpowmod - Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus bcscale - Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions bcsqrt - Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number bcsub - Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another VIII. bcompiler bcompiler_load_exe - Reads and creates classes from a bcompiler exe file bcompiler_load - Reads and creates classes from a bz compressed file bcompiler_parse_class - Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function bcompiler_read - Reads and creates classes from a filehandle bcompiler_write_class - Writes an defined class as bytecodes bcompiler_write_constant - Writes a defined constant as bytecodes bcompiler_write_exe_footer - Writes the start pos, and sig to the end of a exe type file bcompiler_write_file - Writes a php source file as bytecodes bcompiler_write_footer - Writes the single character \x00 to indicate End of compiled data bcompiler_write_function - Writes an defined function as bytecodes bcompiler_write_functions_from_file - Writes all functions defined in a file as bytecodes bcompiler_write_header - Writes the bcompiler header IX. Bzip2 bzclose - Close a bzip2 file bzcompress - Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data bzdecompress - Decompresses bzip2 encoded data bzerrno - Returns a bzip2 error number bzerror - Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array bzerrstr - Returns a bzip2 error string bzflush - Force a write of all buffered data bzopen - Opens a bzip2 compressed file bzread - Binary safe bzip2 file read bzwrite - Binary safe bzip2 file write X. Calendar cal_days_in_month - Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar cal_from_jd - Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar cal_info - Returns information about a particular calendar cal_to_jd - Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count easter_date - Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year easter_days - Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year FrenchToJD - Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count GregorianToJD - Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count JDDayOfWeek - Returns the day of the week JDMonthName - Returns a month name JDToFrench - Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar JDToGregorian - Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date jdtojewish - Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date JDToJulian - Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date jdtounix - Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp JewishToJD - Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count JulianToJD - Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count unixtojd - Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day XI. CCVS ccvs_add - Add data to a transaction ccvs_auth - Perform credit authorization test on a transaction ccvs_command - Performs a command which is peculiar to a single protocol, and thus is not available in the general CCVS API ccvs_count - Find out how many transactions of a given type are stored in the system ccvs_delete - Delete a transaction ccvs_done - Terminate CCVS engine and do cleanup work ccvs_init - Initialize CCVS for use ccvs_lookup - Look up an item of a particular type in the database # ccvs_new - Create a new, blank transaction ccvs_report - Return the status of the background communication process ccvs_return - Transfer funds from the merchant to the credit card holder ccvs_reverse - Perform a full reversal on an already-processed authorization ccvs_sale - Transfer funds from the credit card holder to the merchant ccvs_status - Check the status of an invoice ccvs_textvalue - Get text return value for previous function call ccvs_void - Perform a full reversal on a completed transaction XII. Classes/Objects call_user_method_array - 调用一个用户方法,同时传递参数数组(已废弃) call_user_method - 对特定对象调用用户方法(已废弃) class_exists - 检查类是否已定义 get_class_methods - 返回由类的方法名组成的数组 get_class_vars - 返回由类的默认属性组成的数组 get_class - 返回对象的类名 get_declared_classes - 返回由已定义类的名字所组成的数组 get_declared_interfaces - Returns an array of all declared interfaces get_object_vars - 返回由对象属性组成的关联数组 get_parent_class - 返回对象或类的父类名 interface_exists - Checks if the interface has been defined is_a - 如果对象属于该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE is_subclass_of - 如果此对象是该类的子类,则返回 TRUE method_exists - 检查类的方法是否存在 property_exists - Checks if the object or class has a property XIII. Classkit classkit_import - Import new class method definitions from a file classkit_method_add - Dynamically adds a new method to a given class classkit_method_copy - Copies a method from class to another classkit_method_redefine - Dynamically changes the code of the given method classkit_method_remove - Dynamically removes the given method classkit_method_rename - Dynamically changes the name of the given method XIV. ClibPDF cpdf_add_annotation - Adds annotation cpdf_add_outline - Adds bookmark for current page cpdf_arc - Draws an arc cpdf_begin_text - Starts text section cpdf_circle - Draw a circle cpdf_clip - Clips to current path cpdf_close - Closes the pdf document cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke - Close, fill and stroke current path cpdf_closepath_stroke - Close path and draw line along path cpdf_closepath - Close path cpdf_continue_text - Output text in next line cpdf_curveto - Draws a curve cpdf_end_text - Ends text section cpdf_fill_stroke - Fill and stroke current path cpdf_fill - Fill current path cpdf_finalize_page - Ends page cpdf_finalize - Ends document cpdf_global_set_document_limits - Sets document limits for any pdf document cpdf_import_jpeg - Opens a JPEG image cpdf_lineto - Draws a line cpdf_moveto - Sets current point cpdf_newpath - Starts a new path cpdf_open - Opens a new pdf document cpdf_output_buffer - Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer cpdf_page_init - Starts new page cpdf_place_inline_image - Places an image on the page cpdf_rect - Draw a rectangle cpdf_restore - Restores formerly saved environment cpdf_rlineto - Draws a line cpdf_rmoveto - Sets current point cpdf_rotate_text - Sets text rotation angle cpdf_rotate - Sets rotation cpdf_save_to_file - Writes the pdf document into a file cpdf_save - Saves current environment cpdf_scale - Sets scaling cpdf_set_action_url - Sets hyperlink cpdf_set_char_spacing - Sets character spacing cpdf_set_creator - Sets the creator field in the pdf document cpdf_set_current_page - Sets current page cpdf_set_font_directories - Sets directories to search when using external fonts cpdf_set_font_map_file - Sets fontname to filename translation map when using external fonts cpdf_set_font - Select the current font face and size cpdf_set_horiz_scaling - Sets horizontal scaling of text cpdf_set_keywords - Sets the keywords field of the pdf document cpdf_set_leading - Sets distance between text lines cpdf_set_page_animation - Sets duration between pages cpdf_set_subject - Sets the subject field of the pdf document cpdf_set_text_matrix - Sets the text matrix cpdf_set_text_pos - Sets text position cpdf_set_text_rendering - Determines how text is rendered cpdf_set_text_rise - Sets the text rise cpdf_set_title - Sets the title field of the pdf document cpdf_set_viewer_preferences - How to show the document in the viewer cpdf_set_word_spacing - Sets spacing between words cpdf_setdash - Sets dash pattern cpdf_setflat - Sets flatness cpdf_setgray_fill - Sets filling color to gray value cpdf_setgray_stroke - Sets drawing color to gray value cpdf_setgray - Sets drawing and filling color to gray value cpdf_setlinecap - Sets linecap parameter cpdf_setlinejoin - Sets linejoin parameter cpdf_setlinewidth - Sets line width cpdf_setmiterlimit - Sets miter limit cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill - Sets filling color to rgb color value cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke - Sets drawing color to rgb color value cpdf_setrgbcolor - Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value cpdf_show_xy - Output text at position cpdf_show - Output text at current position cpdf_stringwidth - Returns width of text in current font cpdf_stroke - Draw line along path cpdf_text - Output text with parameters cpdf_translate - Sets origin of coordinate system XV. COM COM - COM 类 DOTNET - DOTNET class VARIANT - VARIANT 类 com_addref - 增加组件引用计数。[被废弃] com_create_guid - Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID) com_event_sink - Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object com_get_active_object - Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object com_get - 获取 COM 组件的属性值 [被废弃] com_invoke - 调用 COM 组件的方法。 com_isenum - 获取一个 IEnumVariant com_load_typelib - 装载一个 Typelib com_load - 创建新的 COM 组件的引用 com_message_pump - Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds com_print_typeinfo - Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface com_propget - com_get 的别名 com_propput - com_set 的别名 com_propset - com_set 的别名 com_release - 减少组件引用计数。[被废弃] com_set - 给 COM 组件的属性赋值 variant_abs - Returns the absolute value of a variant variant_add - "Adds" two variant values together and returns the result variant_and - performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants and returns the result variant_cast - Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type variant_cat - concatenates two variant values together and returns the result variant_cmp - Compares two variants variant_date_from_timestamp - Returns a variant date representation of a unix timestamp variant_date_to_timestamp - Converts a variant date/time value to unix timestamp variant_div - Returns the result from dividing two variants variant_eqv - Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants variant_fix - Returns the integer portion ? of a variant variant_get_type - Returns the type of a variant object variant_idiv - Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them variant_imp - Performs a bitwise implication on two variants variant_int - Returns the integer portion of a variant variant_mod - Divides two variants and returns only the remainder variant_mul - multiplies the values of the two variants and returns the result variant_neg - Performs logical negation on a variant variant_not - Performs bitwise not negation on a variant variant_or - Performs a logical disjunction on two variants variant_pow - Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants variant_round - Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places variant_set_type - Convert a variant into another type "in-place" variant_set - Assigns a new value for a variant object variant_sub - subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value and returns the result variant_xor - Performs a logical exclusion on two variants XVI. Crack crack_check - Performs an obscure check with the given password crack_closedict - Closes an open CrackLib dictionary crack_getlastmessage - Returns the message from the last obscure check crack_opendict - Opens a new CrackLib dictionary XVII. ctype ctype_alnum - Check for alphanumeric character(s) ctype_alpha - Check for alphabetic character(s) ctype_cntrl - Check for control character(s) ctype_digit - Check for numeric character(s) ctype_graph - Check for any printable character(s) except space ctype_lower - Check for lowercase character(s) ctype_print - Check for printable character(s) ctype_punct - Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character ctype_space - Check for whitespace character(s) ctype_upper - Check for uppercase character(s) ctype_xdigit - Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit XVIII. CURL curl_close - Close a CURL session curl_copy_handle - Copy a cURL handle along with all of its preferences curl_errno - Return the last error number curl_error - Return a string containing the last error for the current session curl_exec - Perform a CURL session curl_getinfo - Get information regarding a specific transfer curl_init - Initialize a CURL session curl_multi_add_handle - Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL multi handle curl_multi_close - Close a set of cURL handles curl_multi_exec - Run the sub-connections of the current cURL handle curl_multi_getcontent - Return the content of a cURL handle if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set curl_multi_info_read - Get information about the current transfers curl_multi_init - Returns a new cURL multi handle curl_multi_remove_handle - Remove a multi handle from a set of cURL handles curl_multi_select - Get all the sockets associated with the cURL extension, which can then be "selected" curl_setopt - Set an option for a CURL transfer curl_version - Return the current CURL version XIX. Cybercash cybercash_base64_decode - base64 decode data for Cybercash cybercash_base64_encode - base64 encode data for Cybercash cybercash_decr - Cybercash decrypt cybercash_encr - Cybercash encrypt XX. CyberMUT cybermut_creerformulairecm - Generate HTML form of request for payment cybermut_creerreponsecm - Generate the delivery's acknowledgement of the payment's confirmation cybermut_testmac - Make sure that there was no data diddling contained in the received message of confirmation XXI. Cyrus IMAP cyrus_authenticate - Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_bind - Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection cyrus_close - Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_connect - Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_query - Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_unbind - Unbind ... XXII. Date/Time checkdate - 验证一个格里高里日期 date_default_timezone_get - 取得一个脚本中所有日期时间函数所使用的默认时区 date_default_timezone_set - 设定用于一个脚本中所有日期时间函数的默认时区 date_sunrise - 返回给定的日期与地点的日出时间 date_sunset - 返回给定的日期与地点的日落时间 date - 格式化一个本地时间/日期 getdate - 取得日期/时间信息 gettimeofday - 取得当前时间 gmdate - 格式化一个 GMT/UTC 日期/时间 gmmktime - 取得 GMT 日期的 UNIX 时间戳 gmstrftime - 根据区域设置格式化 GMT/UTC 时间/日期 idate - 将本地时间日期格式化为整数 localtime - 取得本地时间 microtime - 返回当前 Unix 时间戳和微秒数 mktime - 取得一个日期的 Unix 时间戳 strftime - 根据区域设置格式化本地时间/日期 strptime - 解析由 strftime 生成的日期/时间 strtotime - 将任何英文文本的日期时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳 time - 返回当前的 Unix 时间戳 XXIII. DB++ dbplus_add - Add a tuple to a relation dbplus_aql - Perform AQL query dbplus_chdir - Get/Set database virtual current directory dbplus_close - Close a relation dbplus_curr - Get current tuple from relation dbplus_errcode - Get error string for given errorcode or last error dbplus_errno - Get error code for last operation dbplus_find - Set a constraint on a relation dbplus_first - Get first tuple from relation dbplus_flush - Flush all changes made on a relation dbplus_freealllocks - Free all locks held by this client dbplus_freelock - Release write lock on tuple dbplus_freerlocks - Free all tuple locks on given relation dbplus_getlock - Get a write lock on a tuple dbplus_getunique - Get an id number unique to a relation dbplus_info - Get information about a relation dbplus_last - Get last tuple from relation dbplus_lockrel - Request write lock on relation dbplus_next - Get next tuple from relation dbplus_open - Open relation file dbplus_prev - Get previous tuple from relation dbplus_rchperm - Change relation permissions dbplus_rcreate - Creates a new DB++ relation dbplus_rcrtexact - Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices dbplus_rcrtlike - Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices dbplus_resolve - Resolve host information for relation dbplus_restorepos - Restore position dbplus_rkeys - Specify new primary key for a relation dbplus_ropen - Open relation file local dbplus_rquery - Perform local (raw) AQL query dbplus_rrename - Rename a relation dbplus_rsecindex - Create a new secondary index for a relation dbplus_runlink - Remove relation from filesystem dbplus_rzap - Remove all tuples from relation dbplus_savepos - Save position dbplus_setindex - Set index dbplus_setindexbynumber - Set index by number dbplus_sql - Perform SQL query dbplus_tcl - Execute TCL code on server side dbplus_tremove - Remove tuple and return new current tuple dbplus_undo - Undo dbplus_undoprepare - Prepare undo dbplus_unlockrel - Give up write lock on relation dbplus_unselect - Remove a constraint from relation dbplus_update - Update specified tuple in relation dbplus_xlockrel - Request exclusive lock on relation dbplus_xunlockrel - Free exclusive lock on relation XXIV. dba dba_close - Close a DBA database dba_delete - Delete DBA entry specified by key dba_exists - Check whether key exists dba_fetch - Fetch data specified by key dba_firstkey - Fetch first key dba_handlers - List all the handlers available dba_insert - Insert entry dba_key_split - Splits a key in string representation into array representation dba_list - List all open database files dba_nextkey - Fetch next key dba_open - Open database dba_optimize - Optimize database dba_popen - Open database persistently dba_replace - Replace or insert entry dba_sync - Synchronize database XXV. dBase dbase_add_record - Adds a record to a database dbase_close - Closes a database dbase_create - Creates a database dbase_delete_record - Deletes a record from a database dbase_get_header_info - Gets the header info of a database dbase_get_record_with_names - Gets a record from a database as an associative array dbase_get_record - Gets a record from a database as an indexed array dbase_numfields - Gets the number of fields of a database dbase_numrecords - Gets the number of records in a database dbase_open - Opens a database dbase_pack - Packs a database dbase_replace_record - Replaces a record in a database XXVI. DBM dblist - Describes the DBM-compatible library being used dbmclose - Closes a dbm database dbmdelete - Deletes the value for a key from a DBM database dbmexists - Tells if a value exists for a key in a DBM database dbmfetch - Fetches a value for a key from a DBM database dbmfirstkey - Retrieves the first key from a DBM database dbminsert - Inserts a value for a key in a DBM database dbmnextkey - Retrieves the next key from a DBM database dbmopen - Opens a DBM database dbmreplace - Replaces the value for a key in a DBM database XXVII. dbx dbx_close - Close an open connection/database dbx_compare - Compare two rows for sorting purposes dbx_connect - Open a connection/database dbx_error - Report the error message of the latest function call in the module (not just in the connection) dbx_escape_string - Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement dbx_fetch_row - Fetches rows from a query-result that had the DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED flag set dbx_query - Send a query and fetch all results (if any) dbx_sort - Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function XXVIII. Direct IO dio_close - Closes the file descriptor given by fd dio_fcntl - Performs a c library fcntl on fd dio_open - Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode dio_read - Reads bytes from a file descriptor dio_seek - Seeks to pos on fd from whence dio_stat - Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd dio_tcsetattr - Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port dio_truncate - Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes dio_write - Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length XXIX. Directories chdir - 改变目录 chroot - 改变根目录 dir - directory 类 closedir - 关闭目录句柄 getcwd - 取得当前工作目录 opendir - 打开目录句柄 readdir - 从目录句柄中读取条目 rewinddir - 倒回目录句柄 scandir - 列出指定路径中的文件和目录 XXX. DOM DOMAttr->__construct() - Creates a new DOMAttr object DOMAttr->isId() - Checks if attribute is a defined ID DOMCharacterData->appendData() - Append the string to the end of the character data of the node DOMCharacterData->deleteData() - Remove a range of characters from the node DOMCharacterData->insertData() - Insert a string at the specified 16-bit unit offset DOMCharacterData->replaceData() - Replace a substring within the DOMCharacterData node DOMCharacterData->substringData() - Extracts a range of data from the node DOMComment->__construct() - Creates a new DOMComment object DOMDocument->__construct() - Creates a new DOMDocument object DOMDocument->createAttribute() - Create new attribute DOMDocument->createAttributeNS() - Create new attribute node with an associated namespace DOMDocument->createCDATASection() - Create new cdata node DOMDocument->createComment() - Create new comment node DOMDocument->createDocumentFragment() - Create new document fragment DOMDocument->createElement() - Create new element node DOMDocument->createElementNS() - Create new element node with an associated namespace DOMDocument->createEntityReference() - Create new entity reference node DOMDocument->createProcessingInstruction() - Creates new PI node DOMDocument->createTextNode() - Create new text node DOMDocument->getElementById() - Searches for an element with a certain id DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName() - Searches for all elements with given tag name DOMDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS() - Searches for all elements with given tag name in specified namespace DOMDocument->importNode() - Import node into current document DOMDocument->load() - Load XML from a file DOMDocument->loadHTML() - Load HTML from a string DOMDocument->loadHTMLFile() - Load HTML from a file DOMDocument->loadXML() - Load XML from a string DOMDocument->normalize() - Normalizes the document DOMDocument->relaxNGValidate() - Performs relaxNG validation on the document DOMDocument->relaxNGValidateSource() - Performs relaxNG validation on the document DOMDocument->save() - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file DOMDocument->saveHTML() - Dumps the internal document into a string using HTML formatting DOMDocument->saveHTMLFile() - Dumps the internal document into a file using HTML formatting DOMDocument->saveXML() - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string DOMDocument->schemaValidate() - Validates a document based on a schema DOMDocument->schemaValidateSource() - Validates a document based on a schema DOMDocument->validate() - Validates the document based on its DTD DOMDocument->xinclude() - Substitutes XIncludes in a DOMDocument Object DOMElement->__construct() - Creates a new DOMElement object DOMElement->getAttribute() - Returns value of attribute DOMElement->getAttributeNode() - Returns attribute node DOMElement->getAttributeNodeNS() - Returns attribute node DOMElement->getAttributeNS() - Returns value of attribute DOMElement->getElementsByTagName() - Gets elements by tagname DOMElement->getElementsByTagNameNS() - Get elements by namespaceURI and localName DOMElement->hasAttribute() - Checks to see if attribute exists DOMElement->hasAttributeNS() - Checks to see if attribute exists DOMElement->removeAttribute() - Removes attribute DOMElement->removeAttributeNode() - Removes attribute DOMElement->removeAttributeNS() - Removes attribute DOMElement->setAttribute() - Adds new attribute DOMElement->setAttributeNode() - Adds new attribute node to element DOMElement->setAttributeNodeNS() - Adds new attribute node to element DOMElement->setAttributeNS() - Adds new attribute DOMEntityReference->__construct() - Creates a new DOMEntityReference object DOMImplementation->__construct() - Creates a new DOMImplementation object DOMImplementation->createDocument() - Creates a DOMDocument object of the specified type with its document element DOMImplementation->createDocumentType() - Creates an empty DOMDocumentType object DOMImplementation->hasFeature() - Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItem() - Retrieves a node specified by name DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItemNS() - Retrieves a node specified by local name and namespace URI DOMNamedNodeMap->item() - Retrieves a node specified by index DOMNode->appendChild() - Adds new child at the end of the children DOMNode->cloneNode() - Clones a node DOMNode->hasAttributes() - Checks if node has attributes DOMNode->hasChildNodes() - Checks if node has children DOMNode->insertBefore() - Adds a new child before a reference node DOMNode->isSameNode() - Indicates if two nodes are the same node DOMNode->isSupported() - Checks if feature is supported for specified version DOMNode->lookupNamespaceURI() - Gets the namespace URI of the node based on the prefix DOMNode->lookupPrefix() - Gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace URI DOMNode->normalize() - Normalizes the node DOMNode->removeChild() - Removes child from list of children DOMNode->replaceChild() - Replaces a child DOMNodelist->item() - Retrieves a node specified by index DOMProcessingInstruction->__construct() - Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object DOMText->__construct() - Creates a new DOMText object DOMText->isWhitespaceInElementContent() - Indicates whether this text node contains whitespace DOMText->splitText() - Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified offset DOMXPath->__construct() - Creates a new DOMXPath object DOMXPath->evaluate() - Evaluates the given XPath expression and returns a typed result if possible. DOMXPath->query() - Evaluates the given XPath expression DOMXPath->registerNamespace() - Registers the namespace with the DOMXPath object dom_import_simplexml - Gets a DOMElement object from a SimpleXMLElement object XXXI. DOM XML DomAttribute->name - Returns the name of attribute DomAttribute->set_value - Sets the value of an attribute DomAttribute->specified - Checks if attribute is specified DomAttribute->value - Returns value of attribute DomDocument->add_root - Adds a root node [deprecated] DomDocument->create_attribute - Create new attribute DomDocument->create_cdata_section - Create new cdata node DomDocument->create_comment - Create new comment node DomDocument->create_element_ns - Create new element node with an associated namespace DomDocument->create_element - Create new element node DomDocument->create_entity_reference - Create an entity reference DomDocument->create_processing_instruction - Creates new PI node DomDocument->create_text_node - Create new text node DomDocument->doctype - Returns the document type DomDocument->document_element - Returns root element node DomDocument->dump_file - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file DomDocument->dump_mem - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string DomDocument->get_element_by_id - Searches for an element with a certain id DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname - Returns array with nodes with given tagname in document or empty array, if not found DomDocument->html_dump_mem - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string as HTML DomDocument->xinclude - Substitutes XIncludes in a DomDocument Object DomDocumentType->entities() - Returns list of entities DomDocumentType->internal_subset() - Returns internal subset DomDocumentType->name() - Returns name of document type DomDocumentType->notations() - Returns list of notations DomDocumentType->public_id() - Returns public id of document type DomDocumentType->system_id() - Returns the system id of document type DomElement->get_attribute_node() - Returns the node of the given attribute DomElement->get_attribute() - Returns the value of the given attribute DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname() - Gets elements by tagname DomElement->has_attribute() - Checks to see if an attribute exists in the current node DomElement->remove_attribute() - Removes attribute DomElement->set_attribute() - Sets the value of an attribute DomElement->tagname() - Returns the name of the current element DomNode->add_namespace - Adds a namespace declaration to a node DomNode->append_child - Adds a new child at the end of the children DomNode->append_sibling - Adds new sibling to a node DomNode->attributes - Returns list of attributes DomNode->child_nodes - Returns children of node DomNode->clone_node - Clones a node DomNode->dump_node - Dumps a single node DomNode->first_child - Returns first child of node DomNode->get_content - Gets content of node DomNode->has_attributes - Checks if node has attributes DomNode->has_child_nodes - Checks if node has children DomNode->insert_before - Inserts new node as child DomNode->is_blank_node - Checks if node is blank DomNode->last_child - Returns last child of node DomNode->next_sibling - Returns the next sibling of node DomNode->node_name - Returns name of node DomNode->node_type - Returns type of node DomNode->node_value - Returns value of a node DomNode->owner_document - Returns the document this node belongs to DomNode->parent_node - Returns the parent of the node DomNode->prefix - Returns name space prefix of node DomNode->previous_sibling - Returns the previous sibling of node DomNode->remove_child - Removes child from list of children DomNode->replace_child - Replaces a child DomNode->replace_node - Replaces node DomNode->set_content - Sets content of node DomNode->set_name - Sets name of node DomNode->set_namespace - Sets namespace of a node DomNode->unlink_node - Deletes node DomProcessingInstruction->data - Returns the data of ProcessingInstruction node DomProcessingInstruction->target - Returns the target of a ProcessingInstruction node DomXsltStylesheet->process() - Applies the XSLT-Transformation on a DomDocument Object DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_file() - Dumps the result from a XSLT-Transformation into a file DomXsltStylesheet->result_dump_mem() - Dumps the result from a XSLT-Transformation back into a string domxml_new_doc - Creates new empty XML document domxml_open_file - Creates a DOM object from an XML file domxml_open_mem - Creates a DOM object of an XML document domxml_version - Gets the XML library version domxml_xmltree - Creates a tree of PHP objects from an XML document domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc - Creates a DomXsltStylesheet Object from a DomDocument Object domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file - Creates a DomXsltStylesheet Object from an XSL document in a file domxml_xslt_stylesheet - Creates a DomXsltStylesheet object from an XSL document in a string domxml_xslt_version - Gets the XSLT library version xpath_eval_expression - Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string xpath_eval - Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string xpath_new_context - Creates new xpath context xpath_register_ns_auto - Register the given namespace in the passed XPath context xpath_register_ns - Register the given namespace in the passed XPath context xptr_eval - Evaluate the XPtr Location Path in the given string xptr_new_context - Create new XPath Context XXXII. Errors and Logging debug_backtrace - Generates a backtrace debug_print_backtrace - Prints a backtrace error_log - Send an error message somewhere error_reporting - Sets which PHP errors are reported restore_error_handler - Restores the previous error handler function restore_exception_handler - Restores the previously defined exception handler function set_error_handler - Sets a user-defined error handler function set_exception_handler - Sets a user-defined exception handler function trigger_error - Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message user_error - Alias of trigger_error XXXIII. Exif exif_imagetype - 判断一个图像的类型 exif_read_data - 从 JPEG 或 TIFF 文件中读取 EXIF 头信息 exif_tagname - Get the header name for an index exif_thumbnail - 取得嵌入在 TIFF 或 JPEG 图像中的缩略图 read_exif_data - exif_read_data 的别名 XXXIV. Expect expect_expectl - Waits until the output from a process matches one of the patterns, a specified time period has passed, or an EOF is seen expect_popen - Exectute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to the process XXXV. fam fam_cancel_monitor - Terminate monitoring fam_close - Close FAM connection fam_monitor_collection - Monitor a collection of files in a directory for changes fam_monitor_directory - Monitor a directory for changes fam_monitor_file - Monitor a regular file for changes fam_next_event - Get next pending FAM event fam_open - Open connection to FAM daemon fam_pending - Check for pending FAM events fam_resume_monitor - Resume suspended monitoring fam_suspend_monitor - Temporarily suspend monitoring XXXVI. FDF fdf_add_doc_javascript - Adds javascript code to the FDF document fdf_add_template - Adds a template into the FDF document fdf_close - Close an FDF document fdf_create - Create a new FDF document fdf_enum_values - Call a user defined function for each document value fdf_errno - Return error code for last fdf operation fdf_error - Return error description for fdf error code fdf_get_ap - Get the appearance of a field fdf_get_attachment - Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF fdf_get_encoding - Get the value of the /Encoding key fdf_get_file - Get the value of the /F key fdf_get_flags - Gets the flags of a field fdf_get_opt - Gets a value from the opt array of a field fdf_get_status - Get the value of the /STATUS key fdf_get_value - Get the value of a field fdf_get_version - Gets version number for FDF API or file fdf_header - Sets FDF-specific output headers fdf_next_field_name - Get the next field name fdf_open_string - Read a FDF document from a string fdf_open - Open a FDF document fdf_remove_item - Sets target frame for form fdf_save_string - Returns the FDF document as a string fdf_save - Save a FDF document fdf_set_ap - Set the appearance of a field fdf_set_encoding - Sets FDF character encoding fdf_set_file - Set PDF document to display FDF data in fdf_set_flags - Sets a flag of a field fdf_set_javascript_action - Sets an javascript action of a field fdf_set_on_import_javascript - Adds javascript code to be executed when Acrobat opens the FDF fdf_set_opt - Sets an option of a field fdf_set_status - Set the value of the /STATUS key fdf_set_submit_form_action - Sets a submit form action of a field fdf_set_target_frame - Set target frame for form display fdf_set_value - Set the value of a field fdf_set_version - Sets version number for a FDF file XXXVII. filePro filepro_fieldcount - Find out how many fields are in a filePro database filepro_fieldname - Gets the name of a field filepro_fieldtype - Gets the type of a field filepro_fieldwidth - Gets the width of a field filepro_retrieve - Retrieves data from a filePro database filepro_rowcount - Find out how many rows are in a filePro database filepro - Read and verify the map file XXXVIII. Filesystem basename - 返回路径中的文件名部分 chgrp - 改变文件所属的组 chmod - 改变文件模式 chown - 改变文件的所有者 clearstatcache - 清除文件状态缓存 copy - 拷贝文件 delete - 参见 unlink 或 unset dirname - 返回路径中的目录部分 disk_free_space - 返回目录中的可用空间 disk_total_space - 返回一个目录的磁盘总大小 diskfreespace - disk_free_space 的别名 fclose - 关闭一个已打开的文件指针 feof - 测试文件指针是否到了文件结束的位置 fflush - 将缓冲内容输出到文件 fgetc - 从文件指针中读取字符 fgetcsv - 从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段 fgets - 从文件指针中读取一行 fgetss - 从文件指针中读取一行并过滤掉 HTML 标记 file_exists - 检查文件或目录是否存在 file_get_contents - 将整个文件读入一个字符串 file_put_contents - 将一个字符串写入文件 file - 把整个文件读入一个数组中 fileatime - 取得文件的上次访问时间 filectime - 取得文件的 inode 修改时间 filegroup - 取得文件的组 fileinode - 取得文件的 inode filemtime - 取得文件修改时间 fileowner - 取得文件的所有者 fileperms - 取得文件的权限 filesize - 取得文件大小 filetype - 取得文件类型 flock - 轻便的咨询文件锁定 fnmatch - 用模式匹配文件名 fopen - 打开文件或者 URL fpassthru - 输出文件指针处的所有剩余数据 fputcsv - 将行格式化为 CSV 并写入文件指针 fputs - fwrite 的别名 fread - 读取文件(可安全用于二进制文件) fscanf - 从文件中格式化输入 fseek - 在文件指针中定位 fstat - 通过已打开的文件指针取得文件信息 ftell - 返回文件指针读/写的位置 ftruncate - 将文件截断到给定的长度 fwrite - 写入文件(可安全用于二进制文件) glob - 寻找与模式匹配的文件路径 is_dir - 判断给定文件名是否是一个目录 is_executable - 判断给定文件名是否可执行 is_file - 判断给定文件名是否为一个正常的文件 is_link - 判断给定文件名是否为一个符号连接 is_readable - 判断给定文件名是否可读 is_uploaded_file - 判断文件是否是通过 HTTP POST 上传的 is_writable - 判断给定的文件名是否可写 is_writeable - is_writable 的别名 link - 建立一个硬连接 linkinfo - 获取一个连接的信息 lstat - 给出一个文件或符号连接的信息 mkdir - 新建目录 move_uploaded_file - 将上传的文件移动到新位置 parse_ini_file - 解析一个配置文件 pathinfo - 返回文件路径的信息 pclose - 关闭进程文件指针 popen - 打开进程文件指针 readfile - 输出一个文件 readlink - 返回符号连接指向的目标 realpath - 返回规范化的绝对路径名 rename - 重命名一个文件或目录 rewind - 倒回文件指针的位置 rmdir - 删除目录 set_file_buffer - stream_set_write_buffer 的别名 stat - 给出文件的信息 symlink - 建立符号连接 tempnam - 建立一个具有唯一文件名的文件 tmpfile - 建立一个临时文件 touch - 设定文件的访问和修改时间 umask - 改变当前的 umask unlink - 删除文件 XXXIX. Firebird/InterBase ibase_add_user - Add a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later) ibase_affected_rows - Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query ibase_backup - Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately ibase_blob_add - Add data into a newly created blob ibase_blob_cancel - Cancel creating blob ibase_blob_close - Close blob ibase_blob_create - Create a new blob for adding data ibase_blob_echo - Output blob contents to browser ibase_blob_get - Get len bytes data from open blob ibase_blob_import - Create blob, copy file in it, and close it ibase_blob_info - Return blob length and other useful info ibase_blob_open - Open blob for retrieving data parts ibase_close - Close a connection to an InterBase database ibase_commit_ret - Commit a transaction without closing it ibase_commit - Commit a transaction ibase_connect - Open a connection to an InterBase database ibase_db_info - Request statistics about a database ibase_delete_user - Delete a user from a security database (only for IB6 or later) ibase_drop_db - Drops a database ibase_errcode - Return an error code ibase_errmsg - Return error messages ibase_execute - Execute a previously prepared query ibase_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array ibase_fetch_object - Get an object from a InterBase database ibase_fetch_row - Fetch a row from an InterBase database ibase_field_info - Get information about a field ibase_free_event_handler - Cancels a registered event handler ibase_free_query - Free memory allocated by a prepared query ibase_free_result - Free a result set ibase_gen_id - Increments the named generator and returns its new value ibase_maintain_db - Execute a maintenance command on the database server ibase_modify_user - Modify a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later) ibase_name_result - Assigns a name to a result set ibase_num_fields - Get the number of fields in a result set ibase_num_params - Return the number of parameters in a prepared query ibase_param_info - Return information about a parameter in a prepared query ibase_pconnect - Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database ibase_prepare - Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution ibase_query - Execute a query on an InterBase database ibase_restore - Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately ibase_rollback_ret - Roll back a transaction without closing it ibase_rollback - Roll back a transaction ibase_server_info - Request information about a database server ibase_service_attach - Connect to the service manager ibase_service_detach - Disconnect from the service manager ibase_set_event_handler - Register a callback function to be called when events are posted ibase_timefmt - Sets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries ibase_trans - Begin a transaction ibase_wait_event - Wait for an event to be posted by the database XL. Firebird/Interbase (PDO) PDO_FIREBIRD DSN - Connecting to Firebird and Interbase databases XLI. FriBiDi fribidi_log2vis - Convert a logical string to a visual one XLII. FrontBase fbsql_affected_rows - Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation fbsql_autocommit - Enable or disable autocommit fbsql_blob_size - Get the size of a BLOB fbsql_change_user - Change logged in user of the active connection fbsql_clob_size - Get the size of a CLOB fbsql_close - Close FrontBase connection fbsql_commit - Commits a transaction to the database fbsql_connect - Open a connection to a FrontBase Server fbsql_create_blob - Create a BLOB fbsql_create_clob - Create a CLOB fbsql_create_db - Create a FrontBase database fbsql_data_seek - Move internal result pointer fbsql_database_password - Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database fbsql_database - Get or set the database name used with a connection fbsql_db_query - Send a FrontBase query fbsql_db_status - Get the status for a given database fbsql_drop_db - Drop (delete) a FrontBase database fbsql_errno - Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous FrontBase operation fbsql_error - Returns the text of the error message from previous FrontBase operation fbsql_fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both fbsql_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row as an associative array fbsql_fetch_field - Get column information from a result and return as an object fbsql_fetch_lengths - Get the length of each output in a result fbsql_fetch_object - Fetch a result row as an object fbsql_fetch_row - Get a result row as an enumerated array fbsql_field_flags - Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result fbsql_field_len - Returns the length of the specified field fbsql_field_name - Get the name of the specified field in a result fbsql_field_seek - Set result pointer to a specified field offset fbsql_field_table - Get name of the table the specified field is in fbsql_field_type - Get the type of the specified field in a result fbsql_free_result - Free result memory fbsql_get_autostart_info - No description given yet fbsql_hostname - Get or set the host name used with a connection fbsql_insert_id - Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation fbsql_list_dbs - List databases available on a FrontBase server fbsql_list_fields - List FrontBase result fields fbsql_list_tables - List tables in a FrontBase database fbsql_next_result - Move the internal result pointer to the next result fbsql_num_fields - Get number of fields in result fbsql_num_rows - Get number of rows in result fbsql_password - Get or set the user password used with a connection fbsql_pconnect - Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server fbsql_query - Send a FrontBase query fbsql_read_blob - Read a BLOB from the database fbsql_read_clob - Read a CLOB from the database fbsql_result - Get result data fbsql_rollback - Rollback a transaction to the database fbsql_select_db - Select a FrontBase database fbsql_set_lob_mode - Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set fbsql_set_password - Change the password for a given user fbsql_set_transaction - Set the transaction locking and isolation fbsql_start_db - Start a database on local or remote server fbsql_stop_db - Stop a database on local or remote server fbsql_tablename - Get table name of field fbsql_username - Get or set the host user used with a connection fbsql_warnings - Enable or disable FrontBase warnings XLIII. FTP ftp_alloc - Allocates space for a file to be uploaded ftp_cdup - 切换到当前目录的父目录 ftp_chdir - 在 FTP 服务器上切换当前目录 ftp_chmod - Set permissions on a file via FTP ftp_close - 关闭一个活动的 FTP 连接 ftp_connect - 建立一个新的 FTP 连接 ftp_delete - 删除 FTP 服务器上的一个文件 ftp_exec - 请求运行一条 FTP 命令 ftp_fget - 从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件并保存到本地一个已经打开的文件中 ftp_fput - 上传一个已经打开的文件到 FTP 服务器 ftp_get_option - 返回当前 FTP 连接的各种不同的选项设置 ftp_get - 从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件 ftp_login - 登录 FTP 服务器 ftp_mdtm - 返回指定文件的最后修改时间 ftp_mkdir - 建立新目录 ftp_nb_continue - 连续获取/发送文件(non-blocking) ftp_nb_fget - Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking) ftp_nb_fput - Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking) ftp_nb_get - 从 FTP 服务器上获取文件并写入本地文件(non-blocking) ftp_nb_put - 存储一个文件至 FTP 服务器(non-blocking) ftp_nlist - 返回给定目录的文件列表 ftp_pasv - 返回当前 FTP 被动模式是否打开 ftp_put - 上传文件到 FTP 服务器 ftp_pwd - 返回当前目录名 ftp_quit - ftp_close 的别名 ftp_raw - Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server ftp_rawlist - 返回指定目录下文件的详细列表 ftp_rename - 更改 FTP 服务器上指定的文件名 ftp_rmdir - 删除一个目录 ftp_set_option - 设置各种 FTP 运行时选项 ftp_site - 向服务器发送 SITE 命令 ftp_size - 返回指定文件的大小 ftp_ssl_connect - Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection ftp_systype - 返回远程 FTP 服务器的系统类型 XLIV. Function handling call_user_func_array - Call a user function given with an array of parameters call_user_func - Call a user function given by the first parameter create_function - Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function func_get_arg - Return an item from the argument list func_get_args - Returns an array comprising a function's argument list func_num_args - Returns the number of arguments passed to the function function_exists - Return TRUE if the given function has been defined get_defined_functions - Returns an array of all defined functions register_shutdown_function - Register a function for execution on shutdown register_tick_function - Register a function for execution on each tick unregister_tick_function - De-register a function for execution on each tick XLV. gettext bind_textdomain_codeset - Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned bindtextdomain - Sets the path for a domain dcgettext - Overrides the domain for a single lookup dcngettext - Plural version of dcgettext dgettext - Override the current domain dngettext - Plural version of dgettext gettext - Lookup a message in the current domain ngettext - Plural version of gettext textdomain - Sets the default domain XLVI. GMP gmp_abs - Absolute value gmp_add - Add numbers gmp_and - Logical AND gmp_clrbit - Clear bit gmp_cmp - Compare numbers gmp_com - Calculates one's complement gmp_div_q - Divide numbers gmp_div_qr - Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder gmp_div_r - Remainder of the division of numbers gmp_div - 别名 gmp_div_q gmp_divexact - Exact division of numbers gmp_fact - Factorial gmp_gcd - Calculate GCD gmp_gcdext - Calculate GCD and multipliers gmp_hamdist - Hamming distance gmp_init - Create GMP number gmp_intval - Convert GMP number to integer gmp_invert - Inverse by modulo gmp_jacobi - Jacobi symbol gmp_legendre - Legendre symbol gmp_mod - Modulo operation gmp_mul - Multiply numbers gmp_neg - Negate number gmp_or - Logical OR gmp_perfect_square - Perfect square check gmp_popcount - Population count gmp_pow - Raise number into power gmp_powm - Raise number into power with modulo gmp_prob_prime - Check if number is "probably prime" gmp_random - Random number gmp_scan0 - Scan for 0 gmp_scan1 - Scan for 1 gmp_setbit - Set bit gmp_sign - Sign of number gmp_sqrt - Calculate square root gmp_sqrtrem - Square root with remainder gmp_strval - Convert GMP number to string gmp_sub - Subtract numbers gmp_xor - Logical XOR XLVII. gnupg gnupg_adddecryptkey - Add a key for decryption gnupg_addencryptkey - Add a key for encryption gnupg_addsignkey - Add a key for signing gnupg_cleardecryptkeys - Removes all keys which were set for decryption before gnupg_clearencryptkeys - Removes all keys which were set for encryption before gnupg_clearsignkeys - Removes all keys which were set for signing before gnupg_decrypt - Decrypts a given text gnupg_decryptverify - Decrypts and verifies a given text gnupg_encrypt - Encrypts a given text gnupg_encryptsign - Encrypts and signs a given text gnupg_export - Exports a key gnupg_geterror - Returns the errortext, if a function fails gnupg_getprotocol - Returns the currently active protocol for all operations gnupg_import - Imports a key gnupg_keyinfo - Returns an array with information about all keys that matches the given pattern gnupg_setarmor - Toggle armored output gnupg_seterrormode - Sets the mode for error_reporting gnupg_setsignmode - Sets the mode for signing gnupg_sign - Signs a given text gnupg_verify - Verifies a signed text XLVIII. gopher gopher_parsedir - Translate a gopher formatted directory entry into an associative array. XLIX. hash hash_algos - Return a list of registered hashing algorithms hash_file - Generate a hash value using the contents of a given file hash_final - Finalize an incremental hash and return resulting digest hash_hmac_file - Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method and the contents of a given file hash_hmac - Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method hash_init - Initialize an incremental hashing context hash_update_file - Pump data into an active hashing context from a file hash_update_stream - Pump data into an active hashing context from an open stream hash_update - Pump data into an active hashing context hash - Generate a hash value (message digest) L. HTTP header - 发送一个原始 HTTP 标头 headers_list - 返回已发送(或准备发送)的响应标头的列表 headers_sent - 检查标头是否已被发送以及在哪里被发送 setcookie - 发送一个 cookie 信息 setrawcookie - 发送一个其值未经 urlencode 编码的 cookie LI. Hyperwave hw_Array2Objrec - Convert attributes from object array to object record hw_changeobject - Changes attributes of an object (obsolete) hw_Children - Object ids of children hw_ChildrenObj - Object records of children hw_Close - Closes the Hyperwave connection hw_Connect - Opens a connection hw_connection_info - Prints information about the connection to Hyperwave server hw_cp - ...展开收缩



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