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 详细说明:Bash Guide for Beginners: The primary reason for writing this document is that a lot of readers feel the existing HOWTO to be too short and incomplete, while the Bash Scripting guide is too much of a reference work. There is nothing in between these two extremes. I also wrote this guide on the generBash guide for beginners Table of contents Chapter 3. The Bash environment.. 3.1. Shell initialization files 29 1.1. System-wide configuration files...............................29 3.1.2. Individual user configuration files 31 313, Changing shell configuration files………… 33 32. Variab 34 3.2.1. Types of variables 34 3.2.2. Creating variables 37 2 3. Exporting variables....... …138 3.2.4 Reserved variables 39 2.5. Special parameters.......,…….41 3.2.6. Script recycling with variables 43 3.3. Quoting characters 44 Yy 44 3.3.2. Escape characters..............,.,,,,,,, ·垂·,4音垂 3.3.3. Single quote, 45 3.3.4. Double quotes....... 45 33.5.ANSl- c quoting-………,,,,…,,…,…,…,…,,…………………,……….46 3.3.6. Locales .46 3. 4. Shell expansion..... 146 3.41 General 垂面 4.2. Brace expansion 46 3. 4.3. Tilde expansion 47 3.4.4. Shell parameter and variable expansion 47 3.45. Command substitution 48 3. 4.6. Arithmetic expansion 49 3.47. Process substitution. 50 3.4.8. Word splitting..,.,.,.,,,,.,0 34.9. File name expansion…… 3.5. Aliases 51 3.5.1. What are aliases? 51 3.5.2. Creating and removing aliases 音着垂音D·音音··,看,垂垂 52 36. More b3 ash options………… 3.6. 1. Displaying options 53 3.6.2. Changing options 54 37. Summary………… 55 8. Exercises Chapter 4. Regular expressions...o.......... 。。自。。 56 4.1. Regular expressions. 56 4.1. 1. What are regular expressions? 56 4.1.2. Regular expression metacharacters 56 4.1.3. Basic versus extended regular expressions...... 57 4,2. Examples using grep.……….…….…………………157 4.2. 1. What is grep? 57 4.2.2.〔 Grep and regular expressions-…….….….….…...… …58 43 Pattern matching using 4.3.1. Character ranges ··,音垂垂音音·· 60 Bash Guide for Beginners Table of contents Chapter 4. Regular expressions 43.2 Character classes 60 4.4. Summary.............61 45. Exercises 61 Chapter 5. The gnu sed stream editor,oa. 鲁音自DD鲁自鲁自鲁鲁自D鲁D春曲。 62 51. Introduction 62 ed? 62 5.1.2. sed commands …62 Interactive editing 5.2. 1. Printing lines containing a pattern 垂·看看4垂 63 5.2.2. Deleting lines of input containing a pattern .64 52.3.Rangesoflineswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.64 24. Find and replace with sed.……… 65 53 Non-interactive editing 66 53.1. Reading sed commands from a file…… ∴,66 5.3.2. Writing output fil 垂音垂 5. 4. Summary............ ,67 5,5, Exercises.… .68 Chapter 6. The gnu awk programming language. 6. 1. Getting started with gawk. 69 6.1.1. What is gawk? .69 6.1.2, Gawk commands. 69 2. The print progran…… 70 6.2.1. Printing selected fields 70 6.2 2. Formatting fields 71 6.2.3. The print command and regular expressions. .....72 6,24. Special patterns……… 6.2. 5 Gawk scripts....... ··········· 63. Gawk variables 73 631. The input field separator…… ················ 音着垂音D·音音··,看,垂垂 73 6.3.2. The output separators...... 74 6. 3. The number of records 175 6.3. 4. User defined variables 75 6 ..s. More examples. 76 6.3.6. The printf program 76 6.4. Summary 7 6.5. Exercises ………77 Chapter 7. Conditional statements 79 7.1. Introduction to if. 79 Genera 179 刁..2. Simple applications of if….82 7. 2. More advanced if usage 84 7.2.1 if/then/else constructs 84 7.2.2. if/then/elif/else constructs.......................87 7.2.3. Nested if statements ··,音垂垂音音·· 88 Bash Guide for Beginners Table of contents Chapter 7. Conditional statements 7.2.4. Boolean operations…..........,,… 88 2.5, Using the exit statement and it.….….………,…,…,…,…,…,……………89 7.3. USing case statements,.................... 90 7.3. 1 Simplified conditions 1.3.2. Initscript example 91 74. Summary…………… 92 7. 5. Exercises 92 Chapter 8. Writing interactive scripts..... 94 8. 1. Displaying user messages. 8.1.1 Interactive or not 94 8. 1. 2. Using the echo built-in command …94 8.2. Catching user input.…… 97 8,2.1. Using the read built- in command....……………….97 8,2.2. Prompting for user input…………,…,………,…,… 98 8.2.3. Redirection and file descriptors 垂音垂 9 8,2.4. File input and output.…….….….….….….….….….….….……..………..101 8.3. Summary 105 8. 4. Exercises Chapter 9. Repetitive 1. The for loop .107 9.1.1. How does it work 垂··垂非 107 9.1.2. Examples 107 9.2. The while loop....... 108 9.2.1. What is it? 108 9.2.2. Examples....,.,.,.,,,.,,,,,108 9.3. The until loop IlI 9.3. 1. What is it? .··.······:.··.· 垂·看看4垂 93.2,上 xample…….….….….….….…,.….….….…….….….……….………….11 9.4. 1/0 redirection and loops 音着·音D·音音·,垂 112 4.1. Input redirection……… 垂垂 112 9.4.2. Output redirect 112 9.5. Break and continue 9.5.1 The break built-in 113 9.5.2. The continue built-in 114 953. Examples… 114 9.6. Making menus with the select built-in …………115 9.6.1. General 115 9.6.2. Submenus 垂··垂 117 9.7. The shift built -in 117 9.7.1. what does it do? 117 9.7.2. Examples. …………117 8. summary 118 9.9. Exercises 119 Bash Guide for Beginners Table of contents Chapter 10. More on variables…… 1120 0. 1. Types of variables..........................120 10.J.l. General assignment of values…….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…...20 10. 1.2, Using the declare built-in 120 10.13, Constants 121 0.2. Array variables ................ 122 10.2.1. Creating arrays 122 10.2.2. Dereferencing the variables in an array 122 10.2.3. Deleting array variables 123 0. 2. 4. Examples of arrays. 123 10.3. Operations on variables,......... ∴126 10.3.1. Arithmetic on variables 126 10.3.2. Length of a variable..................126 103.3. Transformations of variables 126 10.4. Summary. ···:·:··:··:·····: 129 10.5. Exercises……………… 12 Chapter 1l., Functions.…..,,...,,.,,..,.,,..,,,.,,.,,,,130 130 11. 1. 1. what are function 130 11. 1. 2. Function synta 130 垂面 11.13. Positional parameters in functions………….….….….…………….131 11. 1. 4. Displaying functions 132 11.2. Examples of functions in scripts 132 11.2.1.R 132 11.2. 2. Setting the path 133 2.3. Remote backups....... 133 11.3. Summary ……………135 14. Exercises 垂·垂音垂垂音音·音·垂垂 135 Chapter 12. Catching 12.1. Signals 音着·音D·音音·,垂 136 12.L. 1. Introduction………… 垂垂 136 12.1.2. Usage of signals with kill. 137 12.2. Traps ……138 12.2.1 General 138 12.2.2. How Bash interprets traps 138 12.2.3. More examples 139 12.3. Summary ·.··:··········· …139 2.4.E 139 Appendix A, Shell features.....,...,…,………141 A 1. Common features. …141 A. 2. Differing features. ………142 Appendix b. gnu free Documentation B. 1. Preamble 145 B.2. Applicability and definitions………………… ··,音垂垂音音·· 145 Bash Guide for Beginners Table of contents Appendix B GNU Free Documentation License B.3. Verbatim copying 116 B.4. Copying in quantity B 5. Modifications 147 B 6. Combining documents 148 B.7. Collections of documents 148 B.8.^ gregation with independent works.…… 149 B 9. Translation 149 B 10. Termination. ……149 B. 11. Future revisions of this license .149 B 12. How to use this License for your documents,.......... 4垂 150 Glossary 00151 ABC 垂垂 l51 ∴15 .151 D 152 E ……………………………,………………153 F 53 55 垂面 154 …………………154 154 K… .·······.························· …155 15 M. 156 156 ·······,··················· 157 Q .·..···· 157 R 157 158 工 158 垂垂 159 V :·· 159 160 Z 着垂 161 Index.mnsmmmmomnmmmm162 162 ABCD .162 163 E 163 F 164 165 165 ··,音垂垂音音·· 165 Bash Guide for Beginners Table of contents Index 166 K.166 166 M 166 166 Q 167 P 167 Q...… 167 R 167 168 T 169 夏…....……169 垂垂 169 W 音·,d4番 170 170 170 170 Introduction 1. Why this guide? The primary reason for writing this document is that a lot of readers feel the existing HOWto to be too short and incomplete, while the Bash Scripting guide is too much of a reference work. There is nothing in between these two extremes. I also wrote this guide on the general principal that not enough free basic courses are available, though they should be This is a practical guide which, while not always being too serious, tries to give real-life instead of theoretical examples I partly wrote it because i dont get excited with stripped down and over-simplified examples written by people who know what they are talking about, showing some really cool Bash feature so much out of its context that you cannot ever use it in practical circumstances. You can read that sort of stuff after finishing this book, which contains exercises and examples that will help you survive in the real world From my experience as UNIX/Linux user, system administrator and trainer, I know that people can have years often think that UNIX is not userfriendly, and even worse, they get the impression that it is slow anld us they of daily interaction with their systems, without having the slightest knowledge of task automation. Tht old-fashioned. This problem is another one that can be remedied by this guide 2 Who should read this book? Everybody working on a uniX or uniX-like system who wants to make life easier on themselves, power users and sysadmins alike, can benefit from reading this book Readers who already have a grasp of working the system using the command line will learn the ins and outs of shell scripting that ease execution of daily tasks. System administration relies a great deal on shell scripting; common tasks are often automated using simple scripts. This document is full of examples that will encourage you to write your own and that will Inspire you to improve on existing scripts Prerequisites/not in this course You should be an experienced UNIX or Linux user, familiar with basic commands, man pages and documentation o Being able to use a text editor Understand system boot and shutdown processes, init and initscripts o Create users and groups, set passwords Permissions, special modes e Understand naming conventions for devices, partitioning, mounting/unmounting file systems Adding/removing software on your syste See Introduction to Linux (or your local tLDP mirror) if you haven ' t mastered one or more of these topics Additional information can be found in your system documentation(man and info pages), or at the linux Documentation Project Introduction Bash guide for beginners 3. New versions and availability Themostrecenteditioncanbefoundathttp:/tille.xalasys.com/training/bash/.Youshouldfindthesame versionathttp://tldp.org/ldp/bash-begInnerS-guidE/htmvindex.html ThisguideisavailableinprintfromFultus.com Figure 1. Bash guide for Beginners front cover Fultus Machtelt garrels in/bash guide nsL工S for -o/tmp/a3 beginners n15 Fultus Technica! Ubrary 4. Revision History Revision history Revision 1.7 2005-09-05 Revised by: MG Corrected typos in chapter 3, 6 and 7, incorporated user remarks, added a note in chap Revision 1.6 2005-03-01 Revised by: MG Minor debugging, added more keywords, info about new Bash 3. 0, took out blank image Revision 1.5 2004-12-06 Revised by: MG Changes because of new domain minor corrections Revision 1. 4 2004-10-18 Revised by: MG Debugging, added a couple of notes in chap, replaced screenshots with screen sections. Corrected some typ Revision 1. 3 2004-07-09 Revised by: MG Addedtracerimagelxlpixelhttp://tille.xalasys.com/images/blank-bash.png,addedtextobjectsforall pictures, fixed wrong links in index, made signal list more clear. Revision 1. 2 2004-06-15 Revised by: MG Added index, more markup in screen sections Revision 1.1 2004-05-22 Revised by: MG Last read-through before going to press, added more examples, checked summaries, exercises, cleaned up introduction Revision 1.0 2004-04-27 Revised by: TM Introduction 2



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