文件名称: Shaojie_Shen_Dissertation博士论文.pdf
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 详细说明:香港科技大学沈劭劼老师的博士论文,十分有参考价值!ABSTRACT AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION IN COMPLEX INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTS WITH MICRO AERIAL VEHICLES Shaojie sher ⅵ ijay Kumar Nathan michael Micro aerial vehicles(MAvs)are ideal platforms for surveillance and search and rescue in confined indoor and outdoor environments due to their small size superior mobil ity, and hover capability. In such missions, it is essential that the MAv is capable of autonomous flight to minimize operator workload. Despite recent successes in commer- cialization of GPS-based autonomous MAVs, autonomous navigation in complex and possibly GPS-denied environments gives rise to challenging engineering problems that require an integrated approach to perception, estimation planning, control and high level situational awareness. Among these, state estimation is the first and most critical compo- nent for autonomous flight, especially because of the inherently fast dynamics of MAVs and the possibly unknown environmental conditions. In this thesis, we present method ologics and system designs, with a focus on state estimation, that cnablc a light-wcight off-the-shelf quadrotor mav to autonomously navigate complex unknown indoor and outdoor environments using only onboard sensing and computation. We start by de veloping laser and vision-based state estimation methodologies for indoor autonomous flight. We then investigate fusion from heterogeneous sensors to improve robustness and enable operations in complex indoor and outdoor environments. We further propose es timation algorithms for on-the-fly initialization and online failure recovery. Finally, we present planning, control, and environment coverage strategies for integrated high-level autonomy behaviors. Extensive online experimental results are presented throughout the thesis. We conclude by proposing future research opportunities Contents Introduction 1.1 Research problems 1.1.1 Autonomous flight in gPs-denied environments 1. 1.2 Multi-Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Flight 1.1.3 Estimator Initialization and Failure Recovery 1. 1. 4 Planning and control 1.1.5 Autonomous Environment Coverage 1.2 Thesis overview 5 1.3 Overview of Experimental Platforms 1. 4 Thesis contributions 2 Scientific Background and Literature review 13 2.1 Autonomous Flight in GPs-denied Environments 13 2.2 Incremental motion estimation 14 2.3 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 15 4 Multi-Sensor fusion 2.5 Monocular Visual-Incrtial Statc Estimation 18 2.6 Estimator Initialization and Failure Recovery 2.7 Autonomous Environment Coverage 3 Laser-Based Autonomous Indoor Navigation 24 3.1 Pose estimation 25 3.1. 1 Assumption 26 3.1.2 2D Pose estimation 26 3.1.3 Altitude estimation 27 3.2 EKF-based Sensor Fusion for Control 28 3.3 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 29 3.3.1 Environment Representation 30 3.4 Experimental Results ..31 3. 4.1 Evaluating Estimator Performance 31 3.4.2 Navigation in Confined Multi-Floor Indoor Environments 31 3.4.3 Large Scale Mapping Across Multiple Floors .36 3.4.4 Public demonstration ,37 3.5 Discussion .37 4 Vision-Based State Estimation and Autonomous Flight 40 4.1 Feature Detection and tracking 42 4.2 Pose estimation 4.2.1 Orientation estimation .43 4.2.2 Position estimation 44 4.3 Mapping 46 4.3.1 Local Map Update 47 4.3.2 Scale Recovery 48 4.3.3 Global Mapping .49 4.4 UKF-Based Sensor fusion 50 4.5 Expcrimcntal Results 51 4.5.1 Autonomous Trajectory Tracking with Ground Truth 52 4.5.2 High Speed Straight Line Tracking ..52 4.5.3 Navigation of Indoor environments with Large loops 54 4.5.4 Autonomous Navigation in Complex Outdoor Environments 57 4.6 Discussion 59 5 Multi-Sensor Fusion for Indoor and Outdoor operations 60 5.1 Multi-Sensor System Model 61 5.1.1 Absolute measurements 62 5.1.2 Rclativc mcasurcments 62 5.2 UKF-based Multi-Sensor fusion ······· 63 5.2.1 State Augmentation for Multiple Relative Measurements 64 5.2.2 Statistical Linearization for UKF 65 5.2.3 State propagation 5.2.4 Measurement Update 67 5.2.5 Delayed and Out-of-Order Measurement Update 5.3 Handling global pose measurements 5.4 Implementation details 5. 4 1 Absolute measurements .72 5.4.2 Relative Measurement- Laser Odometry 74 5.4.3 Relative Measurement- Visual Odometry 75 5.5 Experimental Results 75 5,5. 1 Evaluation of estimator performance 76 5.5.2 Autonomous Flight in Indoor and Outdoor environments 76 5.5.3 Autonomous Flight in Tree-Lined Campus 77 5.6 Benefits and limitations 80 5.7 Discussion 82 6 Initialization and Failure Recovery for monocular Visual-lnertial Systems 84 6. 1 Linear Sliding Window VINS Estimator 85 6.1.1 Formulation 86 6.1.2 Linear rotation estimation 87 6.1 3 Linear sliding window estimator ,88 6.1. 4 IMU Measurement model 89 6.1.5 Camera Measurement model 90 6.2 Nonlinear Optimization 91 6.2.1 Formulation 91 6.2.2 IMU Measurement Model 93 6.2.3 Camera Measurement model 96 6.3 Handling Scalc Ambiguity via Two-Way Marginalization 97 6. 4 Initialization and Failure recovery ..99 6.5 Simulation results 102 6.6 Experimental Results 104 6.6.1 Real-Time Implementation ,I04 6.6.2 Implementation Details and Choice of Parameters ,105 6.6.3 Initialization performance 107 6.6.4 Autonomous Hovering 110 6.6.5 Autonomous Trajectory Tracking 111 6.6.6 Autonomous flight in Indoor environments 116 6.6.7 State Estimation in Large-Scale Environments .120 6.7 scussion ,126 7 Planning and Control 127 7. 1 Feedback Control 127 7.2 High Level Planning 128 7.3 Minimum Jerk Trajectory generation 129 7.4 Experimental Results 131 8 Autonomous Three-Dimensional Environment Coverage 134 8.1 Motivation 135 8.2 Overview 136 8.2.1 Notes on notation ,136 8.2.2 Approach 138 8.2.3 Assumptions 140 8.3 The SDEE Algorithm 140 8.3.1 Particle-based Representation of Free Space 140 8.3.2 Resampling 141 8.3.3 Particle Dynamics 142 8.3.4 Frontier Extraction 144 8.3.5 Goal Queuing and Algorithm Termination ..147 8.3.6 Heuristics for Improved Performance 147 8.4 Complexity 148 8.5 Results l49 8.5.1 Comparison to Frontier-based Exploration 149 8.5.2 Simulation results .150 8.5.3 Experimental Results .153 8.6 Discussion .157 9 Conclusion and future Work 158 9. 1 Summary of Contributions .159 9.2 Future Work 159 Bibliography 162 LList of tables 1 Comparison of different experimental platforms 6.1 Computation breakdown of monocular VINS ,,,,105 6.2 Convergence of nonlinear optimization 110 6.3 Trajectory tracking with varying speeds 116 6.4 Statistics of autonomous indoor fight ..,117 8.1 Complexity of the hn iteration of the sdee algorithm 148 8.2 Simulation and experimental results parameters 150 8.3 Simulation performance via duration, path length, and coverage 153 List of Figures Flow of topics and structure of a navigation system 1.2 List of platforms 2.1 Comparison of state estimation approaches 20 3.1 Diagram of laser -based state estimation 25 3.2 Laser-based altitude estimation 28 3.3 Laser-based trajectory tracking 32 3.4 Laser-based hovering 3.5 Maps generated during laser-based navigation 34 3.6 Images of laser-based navigation 35 3.7 Map generation across three floors of an indoor environment .36 3. 8 Public demonstration 38 4.1 Diagram of the proposed vision-based state estimator 4.2 Camera geometry notaion 4.3 Data structure for feature storage ,,,.45 4.4 Localization error distribution 46 4.5 Visual scale changes during flight ..49 4.6 Vision-based trajectory trackin .53 4.7 Snapshots of vision-based trajectory tracking 4.8 Vision-based high speed line tracking 55 4.9 3D map from indoor experiment 56



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