文件名称: 派特莱报警器EWH24E/EXN 手册.pdf
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 详细说明:派特莱报警器EWH24E/EXN 手册pdf,派特莱为防爆产品预先录制了音乐与旋律的组合,适合2区和22区的应用。■ How Explosion Occurs Various Applications for Explosion-Proof, Explosion-Safe and Harsh Environments. Prerequisites for an explosion Mixture of oxygen and explosive substance develop explosive gases. When the concentration of the substance in Branch Explosion Hazard air is within the lower and upper explosive limits, the mlxture can be igr Explosive Power Generation Companies Lump Coal Dust To prevent an explosion, ane of three prerequisites must be eliminated. To make equipment an ignition-free to install in explosive environment is one of the solutions Explosion ● Saw dust PatLITE offers Explosion Proof, Explosion-Safe Woodworking Industry Fine Woad Chips Intrinsically-Safe visual and audible signaling products well as LED illumination work lights in order to incrcasc safcty in the work environ mont Source of Metal-work Operations ● Explosive Metal Dust e Spark-icnitable Metal dust ● Ignitable Grain Dus Food/ Beverage Industry ● Explosivo Sugar Dust An explosive environment is categorized in three segments, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2, depending on the hazardous level of gases and vapors efinery Indust e Hydrocarbons close to their flash-points nc Zone 2 e Oil Processing Plants An arca where an explosive atmosphere consisting of a An arca where an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of air containing flammable substances in the form ot mixture of air containing flammable substances in the torm ot gas, liquid, or vapor is continuously present and/or frequent gas, liquid, or vapor is not likely to occur under normal Waste Disposal Companies Zone 1 conditions. However, if it occurs, it will only be for short a Waste-water Treatment Gasses An area where an explosive atmosphere consisting of a periods of time mixture of air containing flammable substances in the form of gas. liquid or vapor is likely tc occur under normal conditions O Flammable landfill gases on occasion Landfills/Civil Engineering o Uncontrolled Gas Emissions e Flammable Gas from poor ventillation soUrces Pharmaceutical Industry ● Alcchol solvents e Materials explosive when mixed Gas Suppliers ● Natural Gas Leakag ● Natura| Gas emissio Paint-spraying Operations SoNent y in Spray-paint Bays t Vapor Emissions e Unempt ed flammable gas/liquid containers Recycling Operations e Biodegradable Material Emitting xpIosNe (as ● Lammas| e Gases Flammable solids Agriculture e Bio-cas Production Plants a BiO-cas Located on farms 4 Classification of Hazardous Areas Relationship of IEC, cENeLec, nec 505 and NEC 500 CENELEC: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Gases/vapors NEC: Nat onal Electrical Code A tank filled with flammable liquid: There is a potential risk The vapor may also run down the outside of the tank EG/CENELEC Zone 1 e2 of an explosion which may occur inside the tank. developing another explosive environment, so the area USA: NEC 505 Zonc 0 Zonc 1 Therefore, the inside of the tank is categorized as Zone 0. around the tank is categorized as Zone 2 USA: NEC 5CC Vapor may escape on occasion through the vent on the top Class Gr」 of the tank therefore the area around the vent is Gas. vHu Gds, dour ur⊥iuid A. B. C. D categorized as Zonc 1 E. F G Gases/Vapors Zone 2 StAndard Equipment Category Atmosphere Croup as or Du GAS rnalionel etandard 3> G Zone 0 CENELEC NEC 505 Class 1. Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 0 Zone. 1.2 tection Gas Group temperature) Constant Fymstire Occasional Fxpns ita RaIe and Temporary IP Protection Rate: Index of Ingress Protection ATExECB0U; 9-10 acne o(Category) acne I(Category 2) Zana 2(Category 3) EC IECGC079-10 IP Ec60529 FC505 ∠cre( class I ne 1 (class ∠ cne 2(class Divisio sion 2 (Clasa l) direction (TFST: 12.5 liter/min ot water is sprayed wth a je: nozzle, having an internal diameter of 6.3mm, and s distance from the test sample of 2. 5m-3m awsy) At a mill with a feed hopper and filter: A product, which causes a potentially explosive compound in the area where e of dust is causes dust particles mixed with sufficient air to cause an the product is loaded into the hopper, so the area outside the No detrimental effect occure wher water is Sprayed onta the test nay not go into the device in such manner nplo by c jct strcam from any direction ( TEST: 100 Iter/min. of inflammable mixture, is loaded into a hopper hopper is categorized as Zone 21 timal oparation of the device and the safety water is sprayed with a jet razzle, having an interral diamet Inside the feed hopper and filter, it is categorized as Zone 20 Around the hopper where a potential inflammable atmosphere 12.5mm, with a distance of 2. 5in-4m away from the lest san ple While the product is being loaded the mixture cf dust and air exists temporarily is categorized as Zone 22 Wator must not enter into the dovice. No de rimental effect occurs when the device is submerged in a depth of 1 meter of Water must not enter in o the device. No de rimental effect No intrusion of cust into the device occurs when the device is contin uously submerged. Thee onditions are to te mutually agreed upon by the manufacture Zone 22 (IP69K Water is heated ue o 8o c and sprayed at a wata pressure in the range fom 80 to 100 bars at i to 1 i grs per minute at the test sprayed at a horizontal angle while it is being rotated, all done for a period of 30 seconds withou: be rg aftected by water penetration Zone 21 Zone 21 Zone 20 Rae and Tr ATEX ECB1241. Zore 20(Catagcry1) Zone 21(Category 2) Zone 22(Catagcry 3) E|Ece124110 une 2 P69K Test Procedure NECE Note: Model CLA LED light bars comply with IP69K. osn1(c住ss1 See page 16 for mcre detalls Zone 2 Explosion-proof Maintenance Free LED Signal Lights Explosion-Safe Visual/Audible Signaling Products LED Light Bars The EDLM and EDWM series LED signal lights are visual warning and status indicating lights for use in hazardous locations that requires compliance with the atEX Directive A wide range of visual and audible signaling products as well criteria for Zone 2 (gas) and Zone 22(dust)atmospheres 94/9/EC(CENELEC standard)or NEC Article 505 certification as super bright LED light bars, designed for use in hazardous The CLa series LEd light bars meets the criteria for locations that require the atEX Directive 94/9/EC (CENELEc intrinsically safe applications The EDLM and EDWM series offers wide range of voltages Standard. These unique and innovative models mcct the and versatile mounting options to moot various applications The following chart explains tho comparison bctwcen the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC (CENELEC standard) and NEc Article 505 certification. To tind the most suitable models CLA Series refer to page 9 and 10 EWH24EEXN CLF2024/EXN Protection Method (ATEX/IEC) EDLM EDWM AR-070 Scrics LKEHFE/EXN 国〓囗 AR-078 Series KEHFV/EXN PVW04JF/EXN CLT3024/EXN LED Signal Towers Hazardous Area ENGCO73-0,EN0OC79-1S OE6 l DG Exn 三xtDA22 eGc Zone2 Standard Markings 8 Serius EN6CO73-0.EN6O079-15 c线 DG Ex HA下4,Ex1DA ∠ Hazardous Area Marking for ATEX Directive(CENELEC Standard) Markings for North America(NEC Standards MP3 Field Progmmable Annunciator integrated with LEI 00x NEC505(Zone System) 70ne2 CE Marking ype d Explcs ve Environment Class I, Zone1, A Notified Rody NumBer Categary Voice Annunciator Melodies chimes Horns Hazardous Area ATEX D rectMe Marking Ipment G a Code CENELEC EN6C073-0, EN60C79-15 E④ DG ExnA I, Ex tD A22 IP65Te5℃c Ex d c t6 American Natioral S andard KEI DG Ex nA lT4, Ex tD A22 IP65 TE5.C Expicsicn-Prolecte Temperature Cade 三 EDLM4-302FA DLMA-312FA ED_M-323FA DWM-502FA DWM-5M2FA EDLM-323FE/FA Red. 22.6mA. A 26. 6mA. Green: .7.5mA dain Body Casn Blue/white 38.9m Explos inn Frotection AEx dIC T5 5 -25℃~+50°( No Frezin? Extornal Protectin F a dew or condensation) Flashing(60+12 flashes per minute/ Continuous lighting brat on Resis:c十 M』nnq outdDor& Indoor Upright Outdoor indoor Upright Sideways 平平平 een. 1300mcd Amber: 700mcu, Blue. 30Cmcd 匚 Mass(Main body■ 4.3K9 se: Aluminum Alloy (I lousing finish: Melamine-baked finish Materia Fitting crack Zone 2 Zone 2 AR-070 SERIES EXPLOSION-SAFE AR-078 SERIES EXPLOSION-SAFE E ll 3 GD: Ex nA ll T4; Er tD A22 IP65 TA5 C 94/9/EC (ATEX)and 2004/ 08/EC (EMC)FA6n079-C FN6C079-15FN612410, FN61241-1 CE 4 a GD; EY nA lI T4: Ex tD 422 IP55 Ta5C 94//EC(ATEX and 20(4/108/EC(EMC)FN60m79-0, FN6307915 FNF1241-0FN51241-1 xplosion-safe Signal Light 040mm 相CE Explosion-safe Signal Light 060mm 州C∈ ■ Description ■ Description Explosion-safe Signal Lignt featuring an LED light that is versatile and energy-efficient. The Explosion-sate Signal Light featuring an LED light that is versatile and erergy-efficient. The vertical and horizontal cut lenses in com bination with a double-reflection system enhances the vertical anc horizontal cut lenses in ccmbination with a double- reflection system enhances the LED light diffusion to create a unique, full anc brilliant light. The lenses and main body are made LED light d ffusion ic create a unique, full and brilliant light. The lenses and main body are made of strong synthetic materia s with characteristics to withstand harsh environments. The signal of strong synthetic materials with characteristics to w thstand hersh environments. The Signal Light can be ordered in any combination from 1 to 5 LED units with ary color combInation. In LIght can ba ordered in any combination from 1 10 5 LED unlts w tn any calor combination. In addition to its"continuous lighting condition, the Signal Light can also be ordered with flashing addition to ts " continuous lighting"condition, the Signal Light can also be ordered with flashing norI-flashing functions, as well as with two super-loud alarm sourds with an 85dB (at 1 m) output non-flashing functions, as well as with two super-loud alarm sounds with an 90dB (at 1m) oulput Features Features e Explosion-safe for gas anc dust From 1 tc s tiers Explos an-sate for gas and dust From 1 to 5 ties Suitable for Zone 2 and Zane 22 Available with"flashing 'non flashing anc two Suitable for zone 2 and zone 22 3/4 NPT bracket for pole mount is ava lable as an option GE compliance In accordance to ATEX audible buzzer alarm sounds G= compliance ir accordance to ATEX Avalable with 'fashing/non flashing"and Full and brilliant lumination Ingress protect on of IP65 Full and brlliant lumination two audible buzzer alarm sourcs LED double retlection Ighting system a Wall mount or dIrect moun LED double re lection lighting systern ngress proteclion of IP65 Different lens colors available AR-070 series D fferent lens colors avai able Wall mount or d reci mount R-078 series x Dimensions Specifications Dimensions Specifications C∈‖sGD;EnAT4; Ex tD A22P65T35° ∈怎Ⅲ3GD: Ex nAlIT4;ExtA221P35TE50 CE conformities FNf内941FN60/9-15FN61741-1FN6141-1 CE conformities FN579-1FNh79-15,FN141-CFN6141-1 Certification EC-Declaraticn of conformity SIGNAL LIGHT Certification: EC-Declaration of co tormity Arcient Temperature ia C to +60 oC 30ct+Eo°c P IFE5 to EN 6C529 Ingress PrulectiJ'l IP65 tO EN 60529 Material ABS towerbody, polyester glassfibre reinforced base AES towcrbody, polyostor glassfibre rcinforocd basc Lighting Source Multiple LEDs w th double reflection systern Ligh ting Source: Multiple LEDS With double reflection system Buzzer 8E dB(1m)with two diferent tones Acoustical Source Buzzor 90 dE (1my with two ciffcront tonce Assembly position As desired Activaton Time: ActivalionTime 10 Mudule Colurs Available Red, Amter, G eer, Blue, C eariwhlile Cabl ole Colurs Available Red. Ambet. Green. blue. Clear/whit Facto y scald cable, 0 8 mm, length 3 motor Factory sealed cable, 0 8 mm length 3 meter CUREENT RATINO L ED BUZZER BRACK三T LED BUZZE Signal Line C」rn Red, Amber Green Blue. Clea Red Arter Green, Blue Clear Inrush Current approx 30. mA approx25mA approx 30) mA approx 4C: mA approx.50mA CONNFCTKN DIAGRAMS mnfinIn Is ight AnDC: 24V contnuous ad flashing light wth alam AC/Dc 24y BRACKET continuous light AC/DC 24Y continuous and flashing light with alarm AC:DC 24\ EMPLA DU2二RE R-20 =8 3/4 bracket (Option TEMPLATE fuEe1A-/Powe"supEly _yelow+ Jpower supply EXPLOSION-SAFE SIGNAL LIGHT EXFLOSION- SAFE SIGNAL LIGHT VcltageCodeNo.o'StacksCodeColors'Code How to order de Voltage Code No cf StacksCcdeColo's"Code Continuous lighting (on y) Continuous lightIng (only) 24V AC/DC a d two A Clear/White CleaT/While Lrlits: IrI Type number AR-07001/ RYGBc' Colors are arranged troT top to bottom b Type number AR-078 0/□·[ RYGBC"Colors are arranged from top to Bottom Zone 2 Zone 2 LKEHFE/EXN, LKEHFVIEXN EXPLOSION-SAFE PVWOAJF/EXN EXPLOSION-SAFE CE 3 GD: Ex nA T4; Er tn A22 IP65 TA5C 94/9/EC(ATEX)and 2004/108/EC(EMC) FN60079-15 FNE0079-n,FN612411, FN61241-0 CE 4 l 3 GD; EY nA lI T4; Ex tD 422 IP55 T85C 94//EC(ATEX) and 2004/10R/EC(EMC)FNA079-15, FN300730 FNE1241-1FN81241n 105dB(A) 州C∈ 105dB (at 1m) MP3 Field Programmable Announciator, Melody Horn Voice Annunciator ADPCM 64kbit/s Explosion-cafe for gas and dust Suitable for Zone 2 and Zone 22 Exploslon-safe for gas and dust CE compliance in accordance to ATEX into the slo Suitabe for Zone 2 and Zone 22 uper bright LED colors correspond tc diffe ferent voice, sounds Uitra bright CE compliance in accordance to ATEX nimes and melodies messages on EPFOI Vcice alori messages of up to E3 seconds ( 64kbit/s)with 5 channels Maximum 63 seconds for recording an be played bacκ Adjustable aucib e sound yo ume up to 105dB at 1 meter 32 combinations o sounds, chimes and melodies are pre-recorded ADPCM 64kbit/s clear sourd quality from an LSI digital voice synthesizer 8 sounds can be played tack oy a bil input, and 32 sounds by binary input Indoor Installation: upright, Inverted, and sideways Attentin Outdoor: uprignt installation only ld programmable with MP3 by SD card for the model LKEHFVIEXN Provider with an antl-ccrroskve stainless steel mounting hacke a Well visible with the super bright 100mm diameter LED fram far distance. 1224vDc812/24VAc Robust design to withstand against 2G vibration 105d日hor The body is made of Acrylonitrite-Ethlene-Styrene for weather resistant Easy to control by only cne common wire for both LED unita and PVWO4JF/EXN NPN is standard PNP open colletor type ie alsc available or orde x Protection rating o IP65 LKEHFV/EXN. LKEHFE/EXN Dimensions Sound selection Charts Dimensions ■ Wiring diagran 10 32 sounds are pre- recorded in one unit. 4 B sounds can be p ayed back by a bit input, and 32 sounds by binary input Voce: CH-CH.STD> 3 Lights 385.4 Stutter Synthesized Melody Galactic Moto London brldge hta:445.5 Chime Ring ng Phone ∩ M Forwn Call Sign Camptown Races Mounting Dimension Hanid Hi.o Train Rde Alarm Clock Amaryllis ng Hi Lo mphony # Syntheslzed Plano Allen Chatter Ave Marla Synthesized Boll Falling Crysta.s Minut Grandfather 's Clock Fint只 2-0:C R:O[2x) Channel Priority TOP(Red >CHA(Light green)>CH3(Pink)>CH2 (Yellcw)>CH1(Sky blue) Note: The greater number has prior ty when any of the channels are activated simultaneously Model LED stackPower R7(4x) ■ Specifications LKEHFE-FEXN LKEHFE- W/EXN 4.2W I KFHEV-F/FXI 4 PVWO4JF 12/24V 8-28V LKEHFVW/EXNSupports 4.2W AC/DC 9+35V 63 se Flush mount bracket Wall mount bracke E0 cr lcss DC 500mA an he stacked to 1, 2, and 4 on ormer. SD card for the model LKEHFV-FJEXN and LKEHFv-F/EXN 8 LKEH FV-W/EX KEHFV-W/EXN so d separately ■ Specifications Voltago Range MP3. Moo Operatin Recordable sound PressureMounting LKEHFE-F/EXN Type-E Flush mount[ 32ch binary input[ 2.3Kg LKEHFE-W/EXN Type-E recorded 24VDC 24VDC +/% OC minty 85" or less EHEV-F/EXN 33 sec ch binary inpu LKEHFV-V正EXN MPEG1-Audio layer Ill 5cn b 64kbit/s Wall mount 31ch 3.2K Zone 2 Zone 2 EWH24E/EXN EXPLOSION-SAFE CLT3024S/EXN EXPLOSION-SAFE CE l3GD: Ex nA ll T4; Er tD A22 IP65 TA5C 94/9/EC CFNFI FC FNE0n7S-'5 FN60n79-0, FN61241-1 FNA1241-n 〔∈ⅡGn; Ex nA lI T4:EtDA22T1359 AEC CENF FC·FNF7.15FN079nFN39411FNE141-0 105dB (at 1m)Melodies& Chimes Horn 取C∈ Explosion-safe for gas and dust Explosion safe for gas and dust .350mm ing IP67F rated Suitable icr Zone 2 anc Zone 22 s Suitable for Zone 2 and Zone 22 500 x ●30°C~+60C CE compliance in accordance to ATEX CE compl ance in accordance . 24VDC, 416mA lU ATEX Temperec glass lens CLT3024S/EXN 32 combinations o melodies, chimes and sounds are pre-recorded LED color: white 6750 K Aluminum housing Adjustable aud ible sound volume up to 105dB at 1 meter Indoor Installation: upright, inverted, and sideways ■ Specifications Dimensions Outdoor: upright installation only Provided with the anti- corrosive stainless steel mounting bracket NPN is standard for the wH type. PNP open collector is available cn order CE compliant 24VAC/DC only |P35 uI nt ietY LED 216甘e1ts EWH24E/EXN sIanoa as Dimensions Wiring Diagram nt: mm ---=-------- CLF2024C/EXN EXPLOSION-SAFE rtch, vo uno anc tet switch ((lI3 GD: Ex nA l T4: Ex tD A22 T135'C 94/9'EC CENE_EC. ENe0079-15 ENE0079-0EN3241-1.ENE1241-0 re ocated Lner tre cove Skyblue RoHS Explosion-safe for gas and dust .220mm lang 30°C~+60C Suitable for Zone 2 and Zone 22 .1.703 Ix 1 1 wire cord Polycarbonate lens CE compliance in accordance LED ccor: white 6800K Aluminum housing to ATE EX P67 rated CLF202AC/EXN Sira wires tar hannel selection txlena Contact ■ Specifications Dimensions .3m: VCTF gegEge wire cord sound selection made by Nom nal sectional arEa: cord yoe Test Switch WIe nuunIlny mua splwu a.04. The test switch can be usec to check the operation cr adjust sound volume hannel priority (Located inder the cower) 8Ee7(aen)v6oagt)5(e)4(-iltgn)3(Pin)=2(relw11ak;blue CLA SERIES INTRINSICALLY-SAFE Sound selection Charts (E l3 GD: Ex nL lIC T4, Ex iD A22 T135C 94/9EC CFNFI FC: FN6007915, FN61241-11 FN61241-0 Pre-recorded on model ewh24E/EXN Stutter-Bell C∈ ECOLAB Synthesized Melody Galactic vctor ondon bridge Chime Ring ing Phone Marys Lamb Explosion- safe for gas and dust .100mm, 200mm and 300mm long IP66, IP67 anc IFE9K rated Suitable for zone2and∠one22·100mm:40,200mm:270k·-40℃~+60°C Two Tone camp E compliance in accordance 0mm:400k Polycarbonate 10 ATEX Mounting brackets available CLA3S24CD/EXN ain ride Alis Sy phony #40 Dimensions ■ Options CLA口S24[/EXN Syntrcsizcd Boll Falling( Grandfathers Clock 丰一千 Length LED oolor 1 100mm CD Day inht 660K 声4.2( devele 2 200mm CN Natural wh te 480]K (Machenc racuni tcohment Sldc Altach n: Specifications ■ Specifications Unt: mm) 330mm ated voltage Range Volume outer Contact Cap Operating AuXIllary Input Channel 1224V8-28V AC/DC9-35VD 105dB than 5A cto-60°c EWH: Nor-yoltage Contact 200mm DC24=10% Body. at 1m E5° cr less 32ch/bina'y ACN EXN Natual Whr.。l RES-A Heavy Duty Revolving Warning Light for Harsh Environment RLR Robust Heavy Duty 11 2G LED Super Bright Beacons for Harsh Environment Robust Heavy duty Revolving Warning Light 贴CE 162mm diameter Integral Rotating Parabolic Reflector: For enhanced visibility from a distanc 11.2G Anti-Vibration Installation: Indocrs-upright, inverted, sideways, Outdoors-upright only IPE6 Protectio Main Bocy: Aluminum alloy die-cast with siver color baked finish Robust Heavy-duty Design Dome: Acrylic resin covered with clear hard-glass, and metal guard Dual LED with Twin Reflector Avallable Colors: Red Ambe Green and Blue Malnter ance-free with Brushless Moto Approved by: TlIS (Technology Institution cf Industrial Safety) Strong Polycarbonate Hausing CE Compliant(12/24VDC The metal cable gland is an optional part. Needs to order separately Dimensions ■REs- A Type LED Brushless Bearing mechanism RaledVolage Curent Fatations per Minute Bulb No Mass Long Life RES-12 12v The RLR has many advantages ORES-24A compared to a rotating beacon ORES. A8∨Dc 0.34 V10W11 with incandescent bulb and RES-100A 100-110VAC standard motor. The LEDs last RE20A11-12A approximately 20 times to 40 times Vibration a High 12V5W12 High 0.05A langer than an incandescent bulb. The combination of Resistance Visibility Protection RES-240A the brush ess motor and bearing mechanism allows the 豪 ExcePt FLRr-P2 Bu b., G1B BA15S O: Special C RLR to operate trom 8, 000 hrs to 10,000 hrs, compared to 5, oc0 hrs for other rotating beacons ■ Dimensions Mounting Hole Model Code RLR-04-P-R Rated Voltage F 3M M2. 90.25nV AC RLR-P Specification Wire Entry Hole Wire Ertry Holo FLR/Bottom RLR-P/ Bottom RLM112/2 FIR- 0 48V La0V DC 3-49 TlIS is a non-governmental, non-profit and een Nama P ate nL1M290-250VACo-250VAC45m/324.5C)-10°2-+50c self-sustaining organization founded in Japan in 1965 ind rccognized by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a juridical incorporation, to help reduce 2G(19.Bm/s2) 4.5G(44.1m/s2) 7G(686m/s2) 11G(1078m/s2) industrial accidents and contribute towards the benetits ot industrial sectors in Japan through its various technological activities Passenger Car Construction Machinery Emergency Vehicle Dump Truck



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