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 详细说明:主要针对saiku操作以及原理说明的文档,纯英文的哦,有兴趣的小伙伴可以参考。Contents 1 Background 1.1 OLAP Analysis 1.2 Architecture 1, 3 Open Sor 2 2 Administration Guide 2.1 Installation guide 2. 2 Administrators Console 2, 3 LOS 2. 4 Sche 2.5 Saiku Settin 17 2. 6 Embeddi 17 2.7 Back d restoration 18 2.8 Migration From Saiku 2X 2.9 Webdav Access 19 2.10 Safe mode 20 2.11 Localization 20 2.12 Default ro 21 2.13 Migrating from pentaho analy 22 User Guide 3.1 Creating A 23 3.2 Filtering 3.3 Charts And Graphs 24 3.4 MDX Mode 5 3.5 Calculated Member 25 3.6 Parameter Support 5 3.7 Drilling 26 3.8 Totals And Subtotals ...26 3.9 Dashboards 26 3.10 Saiki Tips And Tricks 3.11 How To Articles 4 Project Information 4.1 Saiku Project Information 31 s Development 33 33 5.2 Server documentation ..34 6 Getting Help 6.1 IRC 35 6.2 Commercial Support 35 7 Licensing 37 CHAPTER Background Saiku was founded in 2008 by Tom Barber and Paul Stoellberger. Originally called the Pentaho Analysis Tool, if started life as a basic gwt based wrapper around the olap4j library. Over the years it has evolved, and after a complete rewrite in 2010, it was reborn as saiki Saiku offers a user friendly, web based analytics solution that lets users, quickly and easily analyse corporate data and create and share reports. The solution connects to a range of OLAP Servers including Mondrian, Microsoft Analysis Services, SAP BW and Oracle Hyperion and can be deployed rapidly and cost effectively to allow users to explore data in real time 1.1 OLAP Analysis On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a category of software technology that enables analysts, managers and executives to gain insight into data through fast, consistent, interactive access to a wide variety of possible views of information that has been transformed from raw data to refect the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user. OLAP functionality is characterized by dynamic multi-dimensional analysis of consolidated enterprise data supporting end user analytical and navigational activities (The OLaP Council) By harnessing the power of OLAP, Saiku allows users to choose the measures and dimensions they need to analyse and slice and dice"the data and drill into the detail to uncover relationships, opportunities and issues. The intuitive user interface lets users drill down and up, filter, pivot, sort, and chart against OLAP and In-Memory engines. Utilizing the Olap4J library, Saiku is the first application on the market to offer support for Mondrians Scenario feature allowing non destructive editing of query results, giving users the ability to adjust the figures and perform"what-if"analysis over their data. By harnessing the power of Mondrian, Saiku offers scalable in-memory analysis. Large amounts of over large data warehouses as the aggregated data is retrieved from the network instead of reading from dis Ormance data can be stored in memory in a distributed manner across the local network, offering greatly improved perf Saiku documentation Release 3x /A3twh*/suN(31“南SCn1已 mmunity Chart Compe O webdetals/ccCth +c f Localhost:8080/#new ②a凸三 APPs Apple Y Yahoo! &I Coogle Maps D YouTube w wikipedia O News C Pcpular 是A SaIU m ne Unsaved quary 日3回国回80:++a.E曰 Measures -Count- Count Lneer tnd crg salary Number of Emplyees Column Rows Y Department o Department Department Description parmen. Descrpuan Department-Detatmert Descrption Prnrtmen Sunburst 1.2 Architecture Saiku is a modular analysis suite offering lightweight OLAP which remains easily embeddable, extendable and config urable. The Saiku RESTful server connects to existing Olap systems, which powers user-friendly, intuitive analytics via our lightweight J Query based frontend Look and feel can be completely customized as the user interface is based entirely on open standards. The supplied user interface is written in HTML, Javascript and CSS, making it easy to change or entirely replace the user interface. By using restful standards, the server can be easily integrated into different user interface technologies and 3rd party applications the only requirements being that the 3rd party application can send and receive Http communication and understand json data instructions. The client application needs no understanding of mDX or related query languages 1.3 Open Source To make sure Saiku survives and sticks to its open source roots, Analytical labs was created as a business to front Saiku and offer consultancy and development around the saiku infrastructure. Analytical Labs is based in London Saikuisfreelyavailabletodownloadfrom[www.saikuanalytics.com](http://www.analytical-labs.com).Organisations can use the solution internally without having to pay license fees. For customers who would like to use the solution in an Enterprise environment a number of options are available for support and to embed the solution into commercial applications Chapter 1. Background CHAPTER Administration guide 2.1 Installation Guide 2.1.1 Deploy saiku Ul Under A Different Path By default saiku will provide the ui under localhost: 8080 if you want to serve it under a different path you have to make a few changes. Step-by-step guide Install Saiku as normal Move tomcat/webapps/RooT to your new folder, for example tomcat/webapps/saikuui Update the platformbean in tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/saiku-beans xml to point to your new path, /webapps/ROOT/js/saikuplugins/-->. webapps/saikuui/js/saiku/plugins/Refresh the browser or restart your server 2.1.2 Saiku Enterprise Manual Deployment New in Saiku ee 3. 7 we now have a build for manual deploymet of Saiku for those of you who don' t want to use the supplied Tomcat distribution. To install this you can donw load the package from here. To install it follow these instructions: Unzip archive Deploy rOoT. war and saiku war to your server and unzip/extract them. Copy data. zip and repository. zip to another location which your server can access and unzip into separate folders. Set the correct permissions on the folders so that your server can read and write to these files and folders. Update the configs you need to update web. xml, saiku-beans xml and application Context-spring-security-jdbc by default these are located in the saiku war webapp in WEB-INF here is an example: sed -i. bak-e's/foodmart_url]/jdbc h2: /tmp/sai ku/data/foodmart; MODE=MySQL/g/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/web. xml sed -1 bak -e S/earthquake_urly/jdbc: h2: /tmp/saiku/data/earthquakes; MODE-MySQL/g/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/saiki/WEB INF/web. xml sed -1. bak -e 's///data//tmp/saiku/data/lg' /var/lib/tomcat 7/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/web. xml sed i bak -e 's///repository///tmp/saiku/repositoryllg'/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/web. xml sed -i bak e s/.//repository///tmp/saiki/repository/g/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/saiku-beans xml sed i bak -e 's///data//tmp/saiku/data//g/var/ib/tomcat7/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/saiku-beans xml sed -1. bak -e s//webapps/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ g'/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/saiku/WEB-INF/saiku-beans xml sed -i bak es././data/tmp/saiku/data/g/var/ih/omcat7/wehapps/aiku/wFB-INF/applicationContext-spring-securit!y- dbcxmlRestartyourserverandvisitthehomepagehttp://localhost:8080youshouldbepresentedwithalogin screen and be able to login with the default admin/admin credentials 3 Saiku documentation Release 3x 2.1.3 Upgrade iUpgrading Saiku is very simple. First stop the server by running the stop-saiku script so that the databases and repository are shut down cleanly. Next install the new Saiku server in a different location. Finally replace the data and repository directories in the new installation with the folders from your old installation, this will copy over all your existing users, reports, schema and datasources. Restart Saiku. If you customised any of the configuration files then these will need upgrading as well 2.1.4 Saiku Enterprise Edition Requirements saiku has very few requirements, it will run in less than IGB of RAM, and will run on any computer running Java. Currently the only prerequisite is JDK7. Downloading Saiku Enterprise Edition To install Saiku En terprise Edition the first job is to download the installer and create a license from our licensing portal. You license is tied to your server hostname and as such you need to make sure you provide the correct hostname, this is not the url you connect to your server with but the dns hostname To find your hostname on Linux/Mac open a shell and type hostname on windows you need to run ipconfig /all running the installer The installer is an executable jar file on most operating systems you should be able to double click and run the file, this will pop up the first page of the installer. If you are wanting to install Saiku Enterprise on a remote server, or a computer without a graphics card, you can run java -jar saikuinstaller-x.y z. jar-console and you will be given a text based installer. If you are installing in console mode when you get to the screen asking for the license, pass it the path to the license file. For exam ple if you put the license in /tmp the path would be /tmp/license. lic Once the installer is complete it will then start Saikuserverandyoushouldbeabletofindaloginscreenathttp://servername:8080/.Tologintothestandardinstall you will be able to login with admin/admin. If for some reason you do not see a login screen, look in installation directory/server/tomcat/logs/catalina. out This will contain any errors that occurred during the server startup 2.1.5 Saiku Community Edition This guide should help you when installing Saiku 3.0 for the first time. Installation: Make sure you have a version of IDK 7 installed. Check that the jAVA_HOME environment variable is set. Download the zip or gzip file for Saiki Unzip the archive to your desired location. Running Saiku 3.0 for the first time: Open a command prompt or terminal Navigate to where the installer copied the files execute either start-saiku sh or start-saiku. bat( depending or your operatingsystem).OpenabrowserandnavigatetotheUrl:http://:8080/Youshouldbegreeted bythesaikuloginpageTologintoSaikuyouwillneedafreelicenseYOucangetthishttp://licensing.meteorite.bi Things to check if you're having problems: Are you using JDK7? Is the JAVA_HOME variable set in the OS? Is port 2.1. 6 Other Methods Docker Image We supply saiku Community Edition as a docker image for easy deployment. To deploy saiku run docker pull buggtb/saikuce for Saiku Community Edition and it will pull down the latest snapshot build. Or for enterprise run: docker pull buggtb/saikueeofficial and it will install the latest stable release. Saiku will run a full server on port 8080 on the running docker container. Juju Charm Meteorite bI have teamed up with Canonical to get Saiku Analytics into the Juju Charm Store, whilst we work on finishing up the acceptance you can still test the Saiku Ce Juju charm by running: juju deploy tomcat juju deploy cs:-f-tom-n/trusty/saikuanalytics juju add -relation saikuanalytics tomcat juju expose tomcat Again, this will run Saiku on Tomcat, the default port is 8080 2.1.7 Pentaho Plugin To install Saiku ee plugin, do this via the pentaho marketplace. This one click install will install the ee plugin and set it up ready for use after a server restart. The Pentaho plugin has 2 items that need configuring. To install the license Chapter 2. Administration Guide Saiku Documentation Release 3.x you can place it in - /pentaho or pentaho-solutions/system/saiku/ named license. lic. If you install it in -/ pentaho of course it will survive re-installation which can make administration easier. The other item that needs configuring is the user file. For named user licenses you need to configure the users allowed to login with your license. So if you purchased a single user, you can enter a single username, if you purchased 100 users, you can enter 100 user names etc. This file can be located in the same place as the license and is called users. txt. In this file enter a username per row, so for the pentaho default users youd have: joe suzy pat tiffany Make sure the file ends with a blank line. Once these are configured you can log out and back into the Pentaho bi server and the new license and users configuration will be picked up by the saiku plugin 2.2 Administrators Console Saiku administration console was first released with saiku 3 00 because we moved from fat files to a jcr based repository. Currently the Administration Console is used to administering Users, Data Sources, Schema and license Users with the administrator role(by default role_ADMin) have access to the Admin console by clicking the a icon in the main toolbar Once you have opened the admin console tab you will see a tree menu on the left side of the window Contained in this menu is the user management section data source management, maintenance area and license information 2.2.1 User Management User Management Users are stored within the Saiku H2 database, more configuration options will be coming in Saiku 3x, although you can change the Spring configuration files now to point to a different database an administer the users outside of the Saiku administration console Adding a User To add a user to Saiku login as an Administrator and click on the"A"logo on the toolbar. Under user management select add user Now enter a username(mandatory), and optionally an email address. You can then enter a user password, and add some roles to the new user to allow them to see certain files and folders. Finally click Save User and the user will be added to the database Removing a User To remove a user, select the existing user from the list on the left hand panel of the Administration Console. You can then click the remove user button to delete the user Edit a user To edit a user, change roles, password etc, you can select the user from the list on the left and then make adjustments to the users details in the main edit panel. Once you have made your desired changes you can then click the Save button to save the users details By default Saiku user management is performed using the user management screen within the Saiku Admin Console To add a user you click on the Add user item 2.2. Administrators Console Saiku documentation Release 3x You will then be presented with the user creation area User- The username that the user will login with name Email The users email address. Currently this is unused, but we have report emailing and scheduled delivery on the roadmap that would make use of this feature ess Pass- The users pass word word Roles Roles assigned to that user for access permissions and data source security. These are free form and can be anything you like, but it is recommended you follow a naming policy. For example, our default roles are role admiN and ROLE USer Once you have filled in the users profile you can then press save and the user will be added to Saiku To edit a user, click on that user in the user list and make changes to their profile 2.2.2 Data Source Management Data Source Management Schema Upload All Saiku connections require a mondrian schema definition to tell saiki how the database maps to a cube To findoutmoreaboutschemadesignIwouldreadsomeoftheresourcesavailableontheinternetforexamplehttp //type-exit. org/adventures-with-open-Source-bi/2010/07/a-basic-mondrian-cube-introducing-the-Star-schema/ Once you have designed your cube you can then upload it to the saiku server, to do this you need to login as an administrator and go to the Administration console. Then click on the Add Schema button on the left pane. In the main window click the browse button and select your schema file. Next enter a unique name for this schema and then press the upload button. Assuming all goes well you will see an okay message and the new schema listed in the left hand panel Remove Old Schemas To remove an old schema select the schema from the list on the left hand side. and then in the main screen click the Remove button. Your schema will then be removed from the server Data Source creation Once you have a valid schema available and uploaded to the server, you can then create a data source In the Administration Console you click on the Add Data Source button in the lell panel. Once this is done you then give the data source a unique name, and if you are wanting to use the embedded Mondrian server you select the Mondrian connection type, if you are wanting to connect to a Msas/Essbase or remote Mondrian server (or anything else that speaks XML/A)you can select XMLA from the connection type dropdown Next you enter the jDBC or XMLa url to the server, this depends on the database type so you will have to consult your documentation, here are a few examples jdbc:mysql. localhost/foodmart jdbc:h2:1./datalfoodmart Chapter 2. Administration Guide



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