文件名称: indy_in_depth.pdf
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 详细说明:indy_in_depth.pdf326 Stack栈.19 3.27 Network Byte Order... 4 Indy 介绍 20 4.1 Then Indy way . 20 4.2 Indy methodology.. 20 4.3 How Indy is different Ind y的独特之处 20 44客户端概述 21 45服务器概述 21 4.6 Threading 5B/ ocking Vs.Non- Blocking阻塞和推阻塞 22 51 Programming Models编程模型 52其他模型 222 53阻塞 自·着看·自。音自。。。鲁自自看音。音自自D音。。自鲁自自自看自·。音。音DD音音自音自看看看鲁·音·音。DD自自自自看看·鲁·音·音非DD自自自 54非阻塞.22 55 Winsock的历史 着音音看着 DD音。看看音音非音音非。鲁自非。自自看看看·。音非着非。DDD音鲁自自非看看音音音非非鲁着鲁D自 56 Blocking is not Evi阻塞并不烂 57 Pros of blocking阻塞的优点 333 58 Cons of blocking阻塞的缺点 5.9 TId Anti Freeze ∴………24 510 Pros of non- Blocking非阻塞的优点…… 511 Cons of non- Blocking非阻塞的缺点… 鲁非看着非。非。。音DB自。a自自自看着 512 Comparison对比...24 5.13 Files vs, sockets, 25 5.14 Scenari0…25 515 Blocking File write写阻塞文件 自自自着着。着·。。D音自自自自自自非自音。DDB自自自自着着。·。自非鲁B自鲁 26 516Non- Blocking File Write写非阻塞文件,… 26 517 File Write Comparison写文件对比… aa········· 5.18 Just like files… 6客户端介绍 28 62 Handling Exceptions异常处理 63 Exceptions are not Errors异常并非错误 64 TIdAntifreeze(VcL中有,FMX中没有) Da000000000000an0nE在a 8990 65Demo- Postal Code client示例一邮编客户端 651 Pos tal code protocol邮编办议… 6.5.2 Code Explanation UDP.., 7.1 Overview综述 33 72 Reliability可靠性......33 73 Broadcasts广播. 74 Packet Sizes数据包大小 ··看D看 7.5 Confirmations.……34 751 Overvi ew综述 34 7.5.2 Acknowledgements…,…,… 34 7.5.3 Sequencing排序 34 7.6 TldudPclient,…35 7. 7 TldUDPServer DDDDD …35 78 UDP Example- RBSOD……………………………………35 78.1 Overview 35 78.2 Server 783 Client客户端∴… ::.:.::‘.: 38 8 Reading and Writing 读写. 40 81 Read methods读的方法 40 8.1.1 AllData 81.2 Capture…… 41 8.13 CurrentReadBuffer …,41 814| nputBuffer.… 8.1.5 InputLn 8.1.6 Read Buffer… 42 8.1.7 Read Cardinal 42 818 Read fromStack∴ 42 81.9 ReadInteger… 42 8. 1. 10 ReadLn 42 8. 1.11 ReadLn Wait …142 8, 1.12 Rea sMalliNt 42 8.1.13 Readstream 8.1. 14 Readstring 8.1.15 Rea sTrings... 43 8.1.16 WaitFor 82 Read timeouts读取时限…. 83 Write methods写方法 44 8.3.1 Sendcmd… 45 8.3.2 Write 着面4 83. 3 Wri teBuffer 8, 3.4 Wri teCardinal 8.3.5 WriteHeader 45 8.3.6 Writelnteger...... 着E着音:: 83.7 Writeln 838 WriteRFCReply.................. 着番面面着音1面音; 46 8.3.9 WriteRFCStrings....,.,.,.,,.,.,,,,… 46 8.3.10 WriteSmallint 46 8311 Writestream 1面面音垂 46 8.3.12 Writestrings............ 着:音,B面日面面面鲁4面面面看面4音面 46 8.3.13 Write 46 84 Write Buffering写缓存........247 85 Work transactions工作事件…27 85.10 wOrk events… 47 8.5.2 Managing Your Own Work Transactions 管理自己的工作事务 9 Detecting Disconnects探测饰链 49 91 Saying Good Bye说再见…… 92 Do you really need to know?你真需要知道吗… 93 I need to know now!我要立刻知道.49 9.3.1 Keep Alives 50 9.3.2 Pings 50 9. 4 Eld ConnClosedGracefully 非。看非,非。D自看自自 941 Introduction介绍 9. 4.2 Why does This Exception Occur in Servers?......... 943 Why is it an Exception?为什么这是个异常?… 944| s it an error?这是个情误吗? 94.5 When is it an error?什么时候它是个借误… 946 Simple solution简单处理 52 10| mplementing Protocols实现协议 53 10.1 Protocol Terminology 协议专有名词 53 101.1 Plain text纯文本∴ 54 101.2 Command命令… 54 1013Repy答复 54 1014 Res ponse答复… 1015 Conversations会话 5 10.2 RFC Definitions 55 1021 RFC Status codes RFC状态码…. 1面垂4是 102.2 RFC Reply.........,.. 10.2.3 RFC Res ponse 57 1024 RFC Transactons rfo事件 103 TldRe ply RFC原文中是 TIdRFCReply, XE10中改为这 香。看 10.4 Reply texts......,…,,…,… 58 10.5 The Chicken or the egg?.. 10.6 Defining a Custom Protocol定义个定制协议…19 10.7 Peer simulation summum 59 10. 8 Postal code protocol 1081Help帮助 ,60 1082 Lookup查询… 61 10.83Quit退出…. 62 11 Proxies代型… 63 11 Transparent Proxies透明代理… 1111 IP Masquerading/ Network Address translation(NAT)P伪装/网终地址转换 111.2 Mapped Ports/ unnels映射端口/隧道 11.1.3 FTP User Site Proxy...…… 翻E4 64 112 Non Transparent Proxies非透明代理64 1121 SOCKS防火墙安全会话转换协议 64 11.2.2 Http(Cern) 65 12/HAndlers 66 121| OHandler Components lOHandler组件 66 12.1.1 TldioHandler Socket 67 121.2 Tldl handler Stream 67 12. 1.3 TldSSLIO Handler Socket(TldSSLIOHandler SocketOpenSSL 67 122Demo- Speed Debugger例子-速度调试器…... 1221 Custom handler定制 HAndler(并没有 Recy方法) 13 Intercepts 69 13.1 Intercepts…… 自指自自 13.2 Logging…… 14 Debugging调试. 70 141 Logging记日志 142 Peer simulation对等模拟.… 音自自音 143 Record and re play记录及答复 15 Concurrency 并发性……71 151 Terminology术语 71 1511 Concurrency并发性 72 15.1.2 Contention 151.3 Resource protection资源保护 15.2 Resolving Contention *Ft 1521 Read only只读… 1522 Atomic operations原子操作… 1523 Operating sys tem Support操作系统支持 1524 Explicit Protection显式保护 152.5 Thread safe classes线程安全类 77 15.2.6 Compartmen ta lization 16 Threads线程.178 161 What is a thread?什么是线程 Bee.seeS..... 78 162 Threading Advantages多线程的优势… 78 162.1 Prioritization优化... 78 162.2 Encapsul ation封装 78 1623 Security安全性. 1624 Multiple processors多处坦器….... 1625 No Serialization无序列化 79 163 Processes vs. Threads进程vs.线程 164 Threads vs. Processes线程vs.进程 165 Thread variab|es线程变量 98阳0 16.6 Threadable and thread saf 自自自自曲面自自曲自自面自自B自自自自自自自自。自自自自自自 1661 Threadable可线程的 80 1662 Threadsafe线程安全的 167 Synchronization………… 鲁DD自。看 81 16. 8 TThread 16.9 TThreadlist.ommmmmwumm 8 1610ndy,,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,"…,…,…,…,…,8 16.11 Tld Thread,…81 16. 12 Tld Thread Component . 1613 TldSync…… 1614 TId Notify.………,…,… 16.15 Tld ThreadSafe 82 1616 Common problems常见的问题 1617 Bottlenecks瓶颈…83 16171 Critical Section Implementa tion临界区实现…, 16.17.2 TMREWS… 1617.3 Synchonization同步. 84 16174 User Interface Updates用户界面更新… 17 Servers服务器.…85 171 Server Types服务器类型…,, 85 17.1.1 TldTCPServer 17.1.2 TldUDP Server 90 17.1.3 TldSimpl eServer ::.1 90 17.2 Threaded events线程性的事件 。。。自自自自自·日,。自。音非。自BB 91 173 TCP Server models tcp服务器模型. 17.3.10 n Execute… 91 17. 3.2 Command Handlers 17. 4 Command handlers …93 1741 mplementation实现 1742 Example protocol例子协议 94 174.3 Base demo…………………… 1面 94 1744创建个 Command handler… ..94 17.4.5 Command Handler Support. 96 1746 Testing the New Command测试新命令… 1747lmp| ementing HELP实现HELP 97 1748 I mplementing DATETIME实现 DATETIME 98 174.9 Conclusion结论… 100 175 Postal code server- On Execute Implementation,………100 17.6 Postal code server-Command handlers .mmmm 100 77 Thread Management线程管理 100 17.7.1 TIdThreadmgr Default 100 1772 Thread Pooling线程池 101 18SL- Secure Sockets安全 sockets 102 181Securehttp:/HTPS…………102 18. 2 Other clients mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwomm 102 18.3seRverssl.wwmmnmonwwww.wmnnnww.wwwnonoonw.w...mnw......103 184转换证书为PEM格式.……103 1841 Exporting the Certificate导出证书 103 18.4.2 Convert pfx to pem...............103 1843 Splitting the. pem File拆分pem文件 104 18.4.4 Key pem 104 184.5Cert.pem.…, 104 18.4.6 Root pem 暴,和,; 104 19dy10 Overview回顾.… 105 19.1 Changes,,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,,…,105 1911 Separation of Packages Packages的分离.106 191.2 SSL Core SsL内核 106 1913 SSL Protocols Ssl协议 106 19.14 FTP Client 106



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