文件名称: CICD集成项目.pdf
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 详细说明:这个项目希望能把帮大家提升实力!启动 Postfix服务 输入命令metc/ postfix/main. cf打开 maincf文件并找到下图内容 87# The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that Locally-posted 8# mail appears to cone from, The default is to append Smyhostn 89# which is fine for small sites. If you run a domain with multiple 90 machines, you should (1)change this to smydomain and (2) set up 91 i a domain-wide alias database that aliases each user to 92 4 userathat users mai thost 94# For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses 95# myorigin also specifies the default domain name that is appended 96* to recipient addresses that have no Domain part 97 98 myorigin =Smyh csnAme 99 *myorigin smydonain 100 E⊥#HEE⊥V⊥ NG MAIL 103# The inet interfaces parameter specifies the network interface t dddr esses LhdL this mail sys Len I eceives dil on. By dei aul 105, it the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The 106# parameter also controls delivery of mail to userel -p address I 1日7# 108# Scc also the proxy interfaces parameter, for network addresses that 109# are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator, 10 111# Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes 113 #inet interfaces= all 114#inct interfac Snyhostnamc thost 6 inet interfaces=locaLhost 把这里改成a11 18 Fnahle TPv4, and TPv6 if 119 inet protoco ls= aLL 121 The proxy interfaces parameter specifies the network -nterface set nu 112,1 将这行代码改为 inet interfaces=訓,然后按EsC键,然后输入Wq并回车以保存并关闭 main cf文件 输入命令 sudo systemctl start postiⅸ启动Postⅸ×服务。 添加 Gitlab软件包仓库。 curlhttps://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ce/script.rpm.shsudo 安装 Gitlab。 sudo eXternal url=" Gitlab服务器的公网P地址" yum install -y gitlab-ce Complete 这个是我gtlb公网jp [rootagitlab -]# sudo EXTERNAL_URL=1139.9.91.82" yum install -y gitlab-cel Package Arch VersIon Repository Installing itab.ce 0.3-ce.日.e7 gitlah git lah-Ce ransaction Summary 版木写 安装完成会出现如下图片 itAb Reconfigured 率率 *字**率 ****** P 冰冰本水 和FJ Thank you for installing GitLab I Gitlabshouldbeavailableathttp:// For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gItlab/blob/master/rladmemd Verifying gitlab-ce-12.0.3-ce,0.el/X86 64 giLLab-cex86 64 0: 12.0.3-Ce 0eL7 rot gilad~】# 说明已经自动启动 netlab服务,如没有出现以上情况则说明硬件配置太低或输入 systemtm restart gitlab- runsydir service重启gtab服务 其他操作命令 sudo gitlab-ctl status 查看服务的状态 sudo gitlab-ctl start 启动 sudo gitlab-ctl stop 关闭 sudo gitlab- ctl restart重启 oot gitlab~]# /im /etc/ gitlab/ gitlab. rb# gitlab配置文件 1## GitLab configuration setting #! This filc is gcncrated during initiaL insta lAtion and **15 not** modified 3 #al during upg rades 4#*! Check out the latest version of this file to know about the different 5##! settings that can be configured hy this file, which 6##!https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/onnabus-gitlab/ran/master/files/gitlab-config-template/gitlab.rb.te plat 9# GitLab url 0##! URL on which GitLab vill be reachable l1 ##! For more details on configuring external url see 12##!https://docs.gitlab.com/onnibus/settings/configuration.htmltconfiguring-the-external-url-for-gitl 13external_url' 这里可以修改访问端口 15 #m Holes for multi-instance Gitlab 16#! The default is to have no roles enab led, which results in GitLab running as an all-in-one instanc 10n 18 ## redis sentinel rolc redis master rolc rodis sLave rolc gco prinary ro lc gco sccondary ro lc 9 *rI For more details on each role, see 20#*!https://docs.gitlab.cor/onnibus/roLes/readme.htnltroles 22# roles redis sentinel role, redis master role'I 23 25 ## The following notations at the beginning of each line may be used to 26##! differentiate between components of this file and to easily select them using regex . 8##! # l itles, subtitles etc 9#! ## More infomation- Description, Docs, Links, Issues etc 30##! Configuration settings have a single followed by a single space at the 31##! beginning: Remove then to enable the setting 33 *I coNfiguration settings below are optional 如果修改了配置文件,需要执行 gitlab- ctl reconfigure进行更新配置(只要修改了该文件, 必须执行该命令才能生效 执行 gitlab- ctl restart重启服务,我这里不做修改 服务启动成功后即可通过公网柙P去访问,如果修改了端口,P后面就要加上端口去访问 使用浏览器访问 GitLab服务器的公网P地址,显示如下页面,说明环境搭建成功。 ))·回u/1399984a0de0tetpuwodukeniEsxN4dDAR ˇ裂際两地巨宝 收猫口子机网业大全C3国戏心玩于游 ·舞··闪·D既 访地址 GitLab Community Edition Open source software to collabarate on code an ge yaur password Manace Git repost or es with fine-graired access controls that keep your code secure, Perform code reviews and enhance collaboration wth merge lew password requests, Each proJeci can also have an Issue racker and a wlkl. 输入初始密码 确认初始密码 Confirm new password Change your password confirmation email? request a rew ci LAuluie lely ALoul GiLaL 管理员默认为root用户,初始密码不能低于8位 > Or hIp//59.9.91. 2/users/pass wo/eul?reset_ password toker =J_ESPLB48hqN4dIyDAEU 日到收夹凸舍歌刚大全O360亲自游心玩于机游 .--D GitLab Community edition Open source software to collaborate on code Manage Git repositories with fine-gra red access controls that keep your code secure Perform code reviews and enhar ce collaboration with merge requests.Lach project can also have an issue tracker and a wik ●看省●●● 密码不能低于8位 password r password Ouhl'l ReLive d wnfilild LiulI e I il? Reuel d en Ullt Explu't Help Abuul GLLct You password has been changed successfully GitLab Community Edition 默认用户为root Open source software to collaborate on code Sign in Manage Git repositories with fire- grained access control that keep you code seore pe torm code reviews and enhance collaboration with request. Each piujecl Lan ilsu have ar issue lr acker aru a wiki orgo: ycurpassworar- 密码位刚愉入的初 始密码 L↑|mu 收磁·匚于相收版灾默①网址大O3509⑥戏合标机 6D景录管家想安全(存此向的密的?(并用网吧月不认保的声安全存 个冉示 ★ 已将此从典副详成中尚简体) Search or jump to.at● 欢迎来到 Gitlab 登入进来点击10g0,然后点市创建项日 创建一个组 项三是怎存代访问题,维基和c:la气他吃形的地 是织项巨和人员的刘力法 增加人数 首 Gillam 将您价匠队员和他人家到 cielab 词 GitLab实例的设置户式 GLab期y刻y站动里片F +v Search or um to 新项目 辛白面目 从难能 项目是怒行放文仁(存售本),计划工作(问 题)以及发布文扫(nik)等的地方 正日名 有关其他页面横板以及加实装它们的信息 目网址 项目slu h:t/139.9122/mot 提示:您公可以从命令行创建项目 尽在同名称空问下纳几个依熟项E?已建一个组 1新建一个项口 可见性等级D 人时 毛受予质目问秋民。 0六部 2.添加项目描述 3.点击创建新的项目 何当用户可以访问项曰 目便用白试文件的始化銷库 许您立即完陛此项三的存估。如您打算推高巩有存库,请觇过此抄宝 6。e录管家 长密吗?若地用同等公共脑不建保}安伞保车i不再提示 已将比风而从项,译中义(4) Gi:ab则Hˇy里片 Soath nr jimp Qn國A 在向置文件添加S密之前,名将无法通:55取或质目保 理只 笆理员则、知节 合项日 项目tt已成功自建 循环分析 测试 门开末 此项目的存储库为空 您可以阅用以下项之一两接在GLb中创文件 接作 新文件国添加日达文1 CHANGELOG田添加贡献 绌基 命令行令 斤段 您还可以使用以下说明从计算机上现与文什 G球设置 git corTI·-gLba1 iser.name"它里兵 it corfig .-global aser enail"adnan. o 《折边 把要克隆或要上传代码这台服务器的公钥cat/oou/sh/ id_rsa. pub打开公钥文件复制到 gtab服务器指定位置上 Generating public/private rsa key Enter fil which to save the key (/root/ssh/id Created dir ecLury'/Iu0 Fnter passphrase (empty fnr no passphrase): 这个是生成密钥的命令 Enter same passphrase again: Your idcnti-ication has bccn saved in /root/ sch/ic Your public key has been saved in /root/ss/id rsa. pub The k rint Is: SHA256: WwwwiJu JKkaM/ j NOIyowb v3a56CaR3xTkiR9JRP/y6M rootajenkins The key's randomart image is 这个是私钥文件 :,+ 0+0 这个是公钥文件 000, 个公钥文件内容复制到 matlab指定 g. ssh/id rsa rsa. pL Ireatejenkins-I# vim /root/ ssh/id rsa. pub 添加公钥 地ˇ机夫口歌对u人全30挨系游中u玩子机 +L GltLap Prejects Grpups. Activity Milestones Snippets I A 3 SSH Keys Add an SSH key 55H keys alow you add an s'h始” to generate one or use an EXIstng key ?4△mmt 日日△2k03 ssh/'d_ sa.pub and begins with'ssh ed2551g or 'ssh rsa. Dont use yeur n.-/, or Ca>:yu JuLliuSSH key, wih b us usly wonlsined ilk fie/s)/i_ed25 口Cn 1,点和机 MAE3L2CrcEMMDQ^E!B^QDQswWToGAatauuREMuAtzEu-Rv3-stAp VP4yalol ??ROuMxGAqH4ECkcmp4-0Q16H117oFi M Emats Eypy3GTuR09u FCkF2EIybusYN w-3LGJyr QyoUEYO61 P B52O Evmmt TC PAFe L9M zh There are no ssl keys with access to your accou 《 #克隆代码仓库,然后测试是否能够上传代码到 gitlab >COhttp://1399.91E2/tootitest 心既H大二版小称 y千机实P网人全Q3但游戏中亡玩子签 园,即,,四, GitLab Pmierte v frmupev Activity Milect Snippets k Saarc or jump to. n D 1 E O 4? A-lmnststcr te:t, Dctanls test a cLone v 这里是复制链接地址 AA Add licence gut139.9.91. 82: root/test s D ycle Analytics The repository for this project is empty Clone with HITP suEs You Call credle fies dif dolly inI GiLab usi c] ure uf tie fulkw ny oPtic Merge REquests D Command line instructions : Operations Yuu tdll d su upludu taili y ie> fi ur il yuuI LU Helel u>lly Ue insb uuit> Utluv 9 ont37-0lchal iser nana"Administrator" gi. CLone g1tHlsy 4#I. 82: root/test. gIt 这里是g1便用的命令 add R-ADME md g-. conm. n g1: psh -u origin nm Push an existing folde eXI5-1l0 to lde ol apse sidebar 迹一枪德,二)产心 .tHIoL ddu ur iyi l giLg139 9.91 B2: 0/LESL. LiL 年古花,花+下 人三了 如|快烟C4日直回热点的 J下P 已文牛日动如白文件日液加cNL日献 合向H 命今行指令 怒习以使宅以卜说胡从计异E上位有牛 G全球设置 环分析 yil ion fiy- yuval jst,nt“田员 D git config -global user. eroiladmingexa 创一个新的序储车 0会并清求 & CL/C) C式 让A胜,nd 作 g1 t conrlt-n'edAD性E git push -u origin maste 氏硯ⅹ件实 cd oxisting_folde L renote add orgin gito139..91. 32: roo. test gl glr add git push -u origin master 柚现有的G时估库 me crigin old-rrigin glt rente add or11 glt0139, 3. 91. 32: roo-/ test olt git push -U Dr1q1n --all 《开边栏 yum -y install git #安装gt git clone git13999182 root/test. git#克隆远程仓库 echo 11111>1.txt git add git commit-m"add 1.txt git pus CLoning Intc test remote: Enumerating objects: 3, dcne 仓库已经可以免密克库隆下来了 remote: Total 3 (delta e, reused e (delta ot Receiving objects: 100% 13/3), done [rot jenkins-]#飞s apache-tomcat-9,0. 6. tar. gz baidu. htmL Index. html test Lrootejcrkins-]# cd test/ [rootgjenkirs test]= echo 11111 >l.txt I Uo Lajerikiris Lesl]= yil add Lrootglerkins test]+ git commit -r" add 1 Master 818a5c2 add l, txt lle changed, l insertion+) create rode 100 txt 传代码 Irootdjerkirs test]* git push WeIning:push.default is unisel; its implicit Value is chi dng iny in fit 2.a fror ' matching' ta simple. To squelch this messag and maintain the current behavior after the default changes,use git config --global push default matching To squelch this message and adapt the new behavior now,use git contig - lobal push. defauLt smple See 'git help config and search for 'pushdefault for further infomation ( the 'simple mode was introduced in Git 1.7.l1. Use the similar mode current irstead of 'simple' 1- you sometimes use older versions of Git) Counting objects: 4, done Delta copression using up to 2 th reads pressing objects:100《22)。cone, WriTing ubjec Ls: 100%(3/3), 275 byLe I 0 byles/s, duie TeISe To git139.9.91.82: root/test. git Fcecdc3,, 818a5c2 master -> master [rootejenkins test]= 配置 Jenkins 系统要求 最低推荐配置 256MB可用内存 1GB可用磁盘空间(作为一个 Docke容器运行 jenkins的话推荐10GB)为小团队推荐的 硬件配置 1GB+可用内存 50GB+可用磁盘空间 软件配置: Java8无论是Jaa运行时环境(JRE)还是Java开发工具包(JDK)都可以 安装JDK yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel 安装 tomcat [rootjenkins]# tar-xf apache-tomcat-906. tar. gz [rootjenkins -]# my apache -tomcat-9..6 /usr/local/ tomcat



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