文件名称: Pyscripter相关组件安装说明.pdf
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  上传时间: 2019-07-08
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 详细说明:Pyscripter相关组件安装说明.pdfJVCL 3.50 Installation jyCL350 Installation Welcome to the J/CL 3 installation application JVCL 3. 50 Installation The JEDi Vis jal Component Library (JVCL)consists of a huge collection(currenty ca. 5c0) Choose IdE targe of visual and non-vsual components whlch can be nstantly reused In your De phl, kyI and C++ Builder projet The bray is buit upon code donated from the Delphi community. it is re formatted to Achieve a co mmon look-and-feel, tested, documented and merged into the library. The lbrary s grouped into several categories sucn as Enhanced Standard visual, Non-visual, Data Aware and many many more. The library is released to the pub ic under the te ms of the Mozilla Public License compiling packages (MPL 1.1)and as such -an be freely used in ooth freeware, shareware, open source ard al Source code fle3 included n the JvcL heve a header which explicitly states the icense (as Is required). However, unless noted ctherw se, all ties, in cluding those w thout an M-L header, are subject to the NPL icense O New installation/Upgrade fram an oldeI wersion shM門1 JED Visua Component Library Homepage Backe 注意安装过程如果没有出错就完成了,如果出错则打开 Delphi Python\ Pyscripter\ Components vcl\packages\ D26 Packages. groupproj 重新安装 4 ] +F D Delphi Python\ Pyscripter\ Components\ Third Party Multilnstallerexe Silverpoint Multilnstaller Welcome to the silverpoint Multilnstaller setup wizard Youre about to install the following component packages Python Delph Mustangpeak-CommonLib Mustangpeak-EasyListvie Mustangpeak-virtualShellTools SynWeb □ cOntrols Tb2K2.2.2jordanRusselwww.jrsottware.org M TB2K patch for Delphi 2009 and up Sptbxlib(rOberTLeewww.silverpointdevelopment.com Delphi Detours Library Silverpoint MultiInstaller 3.5.4 K Back Next> Cancel 选择D:\ Delphi_ Python\ Pyscripter\ Components路径并勾选 Compile packages and install on IDE Silverpoint Multilnstaller Select destination folder Select a destination directory to install all the component packages D: Delphi Python'Pyscripter Components Browse compile packages and install on IDE O RAD Studio 10.3 Rio It MultiInstaller 3,, 4 < Back Next Cancel 5、安装好后打开 PyScripter Custom dpk安装包进行安装。 最后打开D:\ Delphi_ Python\ Pyscripter\ Source\ PyScripter dpr工稈文件进行编译。 编译过程如出错缺少单元文件,则需要自行下载添加进去 如: delphi10.3需要用到 DEtours.pas则添加 Library路径 |口÷| Delphi Lib 文件主共享查看 个日此电脑》软件 Delphi Lib 名称 修改日期 美 快访问 □桌面 chh 20192819:27文件夹 DEtours ↓ 2019/2/823:10 2019/1/108:18文件夹 文档 019/2/819:29文件夹 图片 vinsoft 2019/2/92:27 文件夹 □此电脑 x-superobject 2019/2819:29文件夹 chInese 2019/2/93:24文件夹 具体参考官方的安装说明文档 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILlING Py Scripter I am using Delphi 10.3 to compile PyScripter. You can use the free delphi community edition to compile Pyscripter Third party Components: *x 1.Jcl(httPs//github.com/project-jedil/jcl)-atGithub.comorusedailypackagesfrom http://jvcl.sourceforge.net/daily/ 2.JvcL(hTtps://github.com/project-jediljvcl)-atGithub.comorusedailypackagesfrom http://jcl.sourceforge.net/daily/ 3.PythonforDelphi(https://github.com/pyscripter/python4delphil 4.Virtualtreeview-(httPs://github.com/virtual-treEview/virtual-treeview 5. Mustang Peak Components CommonLibrary(https://github.com/pyscripter/mustangpeakcommonlib Easylistview(Https//github.com/pyscripter/mustangpeakEasylistview) Virtualshelltools(hTtps://github.com/pyscripter/mustangpeakvirtualshellTools 6.Toolbar2000(http://www.innosetup.com/tb2k.php) 7.SptbxliB(hTtps://github.com/silverpoinTdev/sptbxlib 8.Synedit-(hTtps://github.com/pyscripterSynedit-2) 9.SynwebHighlighters(https://github.com/krystianBigaj/synweb) 10.zcoNtrols(https://github.com/mahdisafsafi/zcontrols) 11.deLphiDetoursLibrary(https:/github.com/mahdisafsafI/delphi-detours-lIbrary) Installing Third Party components: and compiling pyscripter **k A. Make sure you have git. exe accessible from the command prompt. If not get from https://gitforwindows.org/andinstall B.ClonethePyscripTerproject(https://github.com/pyscripter/pyscripter) C Clone or download JCl and jVCL and use provided installers (run install. bat) D Use Multiinstaller exe in the components\ third party folder to download and install dependencies 3-10 to a folder of your choice in one step E In Mustang Peak virtual Shell Tools\Include\ Addins inc define USE TOOLBAR TB2K Install the PyScripterCustom package from the Components folder and add the components folder to the delphi library search path G. If you have managed to do all the above then open pythonIdE dproj and compile



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