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 详细说明:官网上的文件,源文件没有目录,看的难受,花了些时间加了书签 RTSP 2.0-Real-Time Streaming Protocol Version 2.0(rfc7826).pdfC7826 RTSP 2.0 cember 2016 4. 4. Media-time Format 4.4.1. SMPTE-Relat Times tamps 28 4.4.2. Normal Play Time 垂D 4.4.3. Absolute T 4.5.Fea- ure tags..,,,,,,,,,,,, D香 6. Message Body Tags 32 4.7. Media Properties · 4.7.l. Random Access and seeking ,33 472. Retention 4.7.3. Content Modifications 34 4.7.4. Supported Scale Factors 4.7.5. Mapping to the Attributes ........ 5. RTSP Message.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,.35 5. 1. Message Types 5.2. Message headers ,,,,,,.36 5.3. Message Body 5. 4. Message Length 6. General-header fields ·.·a ······· /. Request 7.1. Request Lin ·············:·:··· 7.2. Request-Header Fields .......... 8. Response ,,。,.43 8.1.Sta-us-Line.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :····· 8.1,1. status code and reason phrase 8.2. Response Headers 9. Message body Message body Header Fields ................................48 9.2. Message body…………… 49 9.3. Message Body Format Negotiation 9 10. Connections ···· 10.1. Reliability and Acknowledgements ···· ···· 50 Usinig c 10.3. Closing Connections ,。.,,54 10.4. Timing Out Connections and RTsP Messages .....,...........56 10.5. Showing Liveness ...... 10.6. use of ipv6 翻着D国音看看看看面面■ 10.7. Overload control 58 1. Capability Handling 11.1. Feature Tag: play hasic 12. Pipelining Suppo 13. Method Definitions ····· 13,1. CPTIONS,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13. 2. DESCRIBE 13.3. SETUP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 。,。,,,,,,,,,,,.,..68 13.3.1. Changing Transport Parameters 134. PLAY ·::::······ 72 13.4.1. General Usage 13.4.2. Aggregated Sessions 77 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 3] C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 13.4.3. Updating Current PLAY Requests 13.4.4. Playing On-Demand Media 13.4.5. Playing Dynam ic On-Demand Media ........,..........81 3.4.6. Playing li 13.4.7. Playing live with Recording D香 13.4.8. Playing Live with Time-Shi=t 13,5. FLAY NOTIFY · 13.5.1.End-of-S 13.5.7. Media-Properties-Update 13.5.3. Scale-change 13,6. PAUSE 13.7. TEARDONN ······ ..,,......92 13.7.1. Client to server ,,.92 13.7.2. Server to client 13.8, GET PARAMETER,,,,,,,,,,,。,,, 13.9. SET PARAMETER 13.10. REDIRECT 14. Embedded (Interleaved) Binary data ·····.· 101 15. Proxies ..,,。...103 15.1. Proxies and protocol ext 104 15.2. Multiplexing and Demultiplexing o- Messages 16. Caching .... 16,1. Validation Model ,,,...107 16.1.1. Last-Modified Dates 16.1.2. Message Body Tag Cache Validators ........ 108 16.1.3. Weak and strong validator: 16.l.4. Rules for When to Use Message Body Tags and last-Modified dat ······ 110 16.1.5. Non-validating Conditionals ...,.,..112 16. 2. Invalidation after Updates or Deletions ·· ..112 17. Status Code Definitions ···· 113 Informational 1xx ,.113 17.1.1. 100 Continue 着 113 17,2, Success2XⅩ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .113 ..113 17.3. Redirection3Ⅹ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 。,.113 17.3.2. 301 Moved Permanently ......... 114 Founc 14 See other.. 115 17.3.5. 304 Not Modified ····· ,.,115 173.6.305 Use Proxy.,,,,,,, 17,4. Client Error 4xx ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,。,,,,,,,,,,.116 Bad request..,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...116 17.4.2. 401 Unauthorized ,。。.116 17.4.3. 402 Pavment required 116 Forbi dden Not Found .116 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 4] C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 17.4.6. Method No- Allowed 117 Not Acceptable 117 Proxy Authentication Required ................117 17.4.9. 408 Request Timeout 。,.117,,,,,,,,, 118 17.4.11. 412 Precondition Failed 17.4.12. 413 Request Mes sage Body Toc Large ..............118 17.4.13. 414 Request-URI Too Long 118 七edMe彐iaT 17.4.15. 451 Parameter Not Understood 17.4.16. 452 Illegal Conference Identifier ......119 Not Enough Bandwidth ........................119 17.4.18. 454 Session not found 。,,119 17.4.19. 455 Method Nct valid in This state ,,,。,,.119 Header Field Not Valid for Resource ,........119 id range,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 120 17.4.22. 458 Parameter Is Read-Only 17.4.23. 459 Aggregate Operation Not Allowed ....... 120 17.4./4.460 Only Aggregate Operation Allowed Unsupported Transport .....,,,,.,,,,.,..120 17.4.26. 462 Destination Unreachable 120 Destination Prohibited Data Transport Not ready ye 121 17.4.29. 465 Notification Reason Unknown 17.4.30. 466 Key Management error ,,,。,,.12 7.4.31. 470 Connection Authorization required 17.4.32. 471 Connection Credentials Not Accepted 121 17.4.33. 472 Failure to stablish Secure connection 17.5. Server Error 5xx 17.5.1. 500 Internal Server Error 122 17.5.2. 501 Not Implemented ,,,.....122 02 Bad Gatewa Unavailabl Gateway Timeout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.123 ported 17.5.7. 551 Option Not Supported ....... ,,123 Proxy Unavailable 18. Header field definitions 124 18.1. Accept 134 8.2.A t-credential 18,3.A 8.4, Accept-Language 136 18.5. Accept-Ranges ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..137 18.6,A11ow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..138 18,7. Authentication-In=o 18.8. Authorization 18.9. Bandwidth 8.10.B1。 cksize .140 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 5] C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 18.11. Cache-Control .140 18.12. Connection 143 18.13, Colrection-Credentials 8.14, Conten-Base,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..144 18.15. Content-Encoding ..... ,,,,,,,,.,,145 18.16. Ccntent-Language ... 18.17. Content-Length ···················· ,,,,,,,,,,,..146 18.18. Content-location 146 18.19.CC Type 143 18.20.Cseq .,,.148 18.21.Dat 18.22. Expires 151 8.23,Fro 。,,,,,,,,,,,,.151 18. 24, If-Match 8,25,If- modified- Since,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.152 18.26. IE-None-Match ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153 8.27. Last-Modified 154 1828, Location ·.·a ...,,。...154 18.29. Nedia-Propertie 18.30.Meia- Range..,∴,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,..156 8. 31. MTac 8.32.Not ason 18.33. Pipelined-Request :····· 18.34. Froxy-Authenticat 159 8.35. Froxy-Authentication-Info ,,,,,,,,,,,,..159 18.36,Py Authorization 8.37. Froxy-Require 18.38.P orted 18. 39. Public 18. 40. Rance 162 18.41. Referrer ···· 164 8,42.R st-stat 18.43. Require .,,,,,,.165 18.44. Retry-After 166 18.45, RTP-Inf 8.46, Scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.169 18.47. Seek-style 18.48. Server 171 18.49.sess 18.50. Speed 18.51,Supp 8.52, Terminate-reaso 18.53, Timesta 175 18.54. Transport DD 0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..176 18.55. Unsupported 18.56. User-Agent 184 18.57.Via.. 18.58. WW- Authenticate 185 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 6] C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 19. Security Framework 19.1.RispandhttpAuthentication 185 19.1.1. Digest Authentication .,,,,,.186 19.2, RiSP over TlS,,,,,,,,,,, 19.3. Security and proxies...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..188 ept-Credentials 19.3.2. User-Approved TLS Procedure ......................190 20. Syntax ... 192 20.1. Base Syntax 20.2. RISP Protocol Definition .,..195 20.2.1. Generic Protocol Elements ...,..,,.....195 20.2.2. Message Syntax ....,,.......,,,....198 20.2.3. Header Syntax 201 20.3. SDP Extension Syntax·∴ 21. Security Considerations ...... ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.209 21.1. Signaling Protocol Threats 210 21.2. Media Stream Delivery Threats ......................:....213 21.2.1. Remote dos attack 215 RTP Security Analysis 22. IANA Considerations 217 22.1. Feature Tags 22.1.1. Description 218 22.1.2. Registering New Feature Tags with IANA :.···· 218 22.1.3. Registered Entries .... 22.2. RTSP Methods.,,,,,,,,,,,, 22.2.1. Description,,,,,,,,,,, 着春鲁 ,.219 22.2.2. Registering New Methods with IANA ................219 22.2..3. Registered entries ······ 22.3. RisP Status Codes 22.3.1 criptio 22.3.2. Registering New Status Codes with IANA ··· 220 22.3.3. Registered Entries 22.4. RISP Headers 22.4. 1. Description .,,,,,,,,,,.,221 22.4 stering New Heade 221 22.4.3. Registered entries..,,.,,.,,,,,,。,,,....., 22.5. Accept-Credentials 22.5.1. Accept-Credentials policies 22.5.2. Accept-Credentials Hash Algorithms ms,,,, ,,..,,.224 2.6. Cache ective Extensions 22.7. Media p t⊥es 22.7.1. Description 22.7.2, Registration Rules,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,226 22.7.3. Registered va1ues..,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.226 22.8. Nctify-Reason value 226 22.8.1 Descr⊥ ption 226 22.8.2. Registration Rules 22.8.3. Registered e s 227 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 22.9. Range Header Fo 22.9.1. Description 227 22.9.2. Registration Rules 垂D .,,,,...227 22.9.3. Registered va 22.10. Terminate-Reason header ,,,,,,,,,。,228 22.. Redirect reasons 22.10.2. Terminate-Reason Header Parameters.,.,,...229 22.1 RTP-Info header parameters 22.11.2.R trat 1.3. Registered Values 22.12. Seek-Style Policies 230 22.. Description 230 22.12.2. Registration Rules Registered valu 22.13. Transport Header Registries ............................231 2213.l. Transport Protocol Identi=ier 231 22.13.2. Transport modes...,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.233 ranspor 22.14. URI Schemes.,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,.,.,,,,..,,,....234 22.14.l. The rtsp"URI Schel 234 22.. The "rtsp"URI Sch 22.14.3. The rtsp uRI Scheme :····· 237 22.15. SDp Attributes 22.16. Media Type Registration for text/parameters ............238 23. Reference,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 着春鲁 ,,240 231, Normative References 。,,240 3.2. Informative Refere 245 Appendix A. Examples ......248 A. 1. Media on Demand (Unicast) 248 A. 2. Media on Demand Using Pipelining ···· 251 A. 3. Secured media Session for Or-Dermand Content .254 A. 4. Media on Demand (Unicast)........... 257 A.5. Single-Stream Container Files ...,........................260 A 6. Live Media Presentation Using Multicast ..................263 A.7. Capability Negotiat 254 Appendix B. RTSP Protocol State Machine B.1 tates 256 B. 2. State variables 26 B. 3. Abbrev 266 B 4. state Tables ····· 267 dix C. Media-Transport Alternatives C. 1, RTE C.1.1.AVP,,,,,,, DD 0 272 C. 12. AVP/UDP C. 1.3. AVPE/UDP ·::::······ 274 C. 4. SAVP/UDP C. 1.5. SAVPE/UDP 277 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 8] C7826 RTSP 2.0 December 2016 C. 1. 6. RTCP Usage with RTSP .278 C. 2. RTP over TCP C 2,1. Interleaved rtp cver TCP .,,,,..280 C. 2.2. RTe over Independent TCP ,,,..280 C.3. Handling Media-Clock Time Jumps in the RTP Media layer ...284 C 4. Handling rtP Timestamps after PAUSE C. 5. RTSP/RTP Integration ····::.··:·············: ,,.290 C.6. Scaling with RT 290 C.7. Maintaining NPT Synchronization with RTP Timestamps ......290 C 8. Continuous Aud 290 C 9. Multiple Sources in an RTP Session 290 C 10. Usage of SSRCs and the RTCP BYE Message during an RTSE Session.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,..290 C. 11. Future additions ,,,,,,.291 Appendix D. Use of sDp for RIsp Session Descriptions .............292 D.I. Definitions .,,,,..292 D.1,1. Contro1UR,,,,,,,,,,,,, 292 D1,2. Media streams ·.·a ,,,,,,,。.234 D.1.3 e(s D. 1.4. Format-Speci=ic Parameters 294 D.1.5. Directionality of Media stream .295 D1.6. Range of Present D.1.7. Time of Availability ........ :····· 296 1,8. Connection Informatior D.1,9. Message Body Tag .297 2. Aggregate Control Not Available 298 D.3. Aggregate Control Available ..............................298 D. 4. Grouping of Media li ne n SDP 299 5. RTSP External SDP De Appendix E. RTSP Use E 1. On-Demand playback of stored Content...........300 E. 2. Unicast distribution of live Content E. 3. On-Demand playback Using Multicast .......................303 E.4. Inviting an RTSP Server into a Con=erence ................303 E.5. Live Content Using Multicast 厶 ppendix F. Text format or parameters....∴∴ ,,305 Appendix G. Requirements for Unreliable Transport of RTSP Appendix H. Backwards-Compatibility Considerations 306 H 1. Play Request in Play state H Using Persistent Con Appendix I. Changes ....,..... ····· 307 工.1. Brief overview I.2. Detailed list of change acknowledgements..,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,.,316 Contributors 317 uthors′ Addre33es...,,,.,..·· 318 Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 91 C7826 RTSP 2.0 cember 2016 This nero defines version 2.0 of the Real-Time streaming Protocol (RTSP 2.0). RTSP 2.0 is an application-Layer protocol for the setup nd control over the delivery of data with real-time typically streaming media. Screaming media is, for instance, video on demand cr audio live streaming. Put simply, FTSP acts as a network remote control for mult imedia servers The protocol operates between RTSP 2.0 clients and servers, but it also supports the use of proxies placed between clients and servers Clients can request information about streaming media from servers b asking for a description o- the media or use media description provided externally. The media delivery protocol is used to establish the media streams described by the media description Clients can then request to play out the media, pause it, or stop it completely. The requested media can consist of multiple audio and ideo streams that are delivered as time-synchronized streams from servers to clients RTSP 2.0 is a replacement of RTSP 1.0 [RFC2326] and this document obsoletes that specification. T:is protocol is based on RTSP 1.c but is not backwards compatible cther than in the basic version negotiation mechanism. The changes between the two documents are listed in Appendix I. There are many reasons why RTSP 2.0 can't be backwards cmpatible with RTSP 1.0; some o- the main ones are as Most headers that needed to be extensible did not define the yntax, preventing safe deployment cf extension enld PlAY method when re state o the changed behavior of the extensibility model and its mechanism. nd the change of synta some headers There are sc many small updates that changing versions became necessary to enable clarificatio: and consistent behavior. Anyone implementing RTSp for a new use case in which they have not installed RTSP 1.0 should only implement RTSP 2.0 to avoid having to deal with RTSP 1.0 inconsistencies This document is structured as follows. It begins with an overview of the protocol operations and its functions in an informaIway Then, a set of definitions of terms used and document conventions is Schulzrinne et al Standards track [Page 101



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