文件名称: Scrapy爬虫框架.pdf
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  上传时间: 2019-07-01
  提 供 者: yan****
 详细说明:通过对scrapy框架的几大组成模型通俗细致的讲解,让大家可以非常清楚地理解scrapy框架的整体工作流程。Scheduler nternet 调度器) (网络) Requests (请求) Item Pipeline Scrap Engine Downloader (数据管道) (引擎) (下载器) Downloader Middlewares Requests (下载中间件) (请求) Items 数据) Spider Middlewares 爬虫中间件) Responses (回应) Spiders (爬虫) scrap中每个模块的作用 引擎 engine):负责数据和信号在不同模块间的传递(不扫教据关处理,只是息的运) 调度器( scheduler):实现一个队列,存放引擎发过来的 request请求对象把请求放进列) 下载器( downloader):发送引擎发过来的 request请求,获取响应,并将响应交给引擎(发起凊求,获硇 应) 爬虫 spider):处理引擎来的 response,提取数据,提取url(构建成诮求),并交给引擎(拿到卿应, 碗应的女容) ·管道( pipeline):处理引擎传递过来的数据,比如存储(炫你所要的式存教) 下载中间件( downloader middleware):可以自定义的下载扩展,比如设置代理ip(自定义你所发起的 求) ·爬虫中间件( spider middleware):可以自定义 request请求和进行 response过滤过流漬求与硇应 三、如何运用 Scrap(how?怎样使用 Scrap框架?) 1、安装 Scrap: pip install scrap 2、创建 Scrap项目 scrapy startproject myspider# myspi der为自定义项目名 File Edit View Navigate Code Refactor Run Tool srcapy_test2 D Projec e中|b ev srcapy. test2 E: \srcapy-test2 myspider id spIders iinit init items. py i middlewares. py i pipelines.py i settings. py 自 scrap.cf lll External Libraries 3、刨建 scrap爬虫:在项目目录下执行 scrapy genspider itcast itcast cn B- Project srcapy test2 E: \srcapy- test2 spider pp iders .oy Recast. py te init Fe items. py middlewares. py pipelines. py 自 rapy ctg mI External Libraries 4、手写 spider,以实现数据的提取等操作 scrapy b myspider myspider D spiders ie itcastpy D Project 6+14.I- 6 itcast py i pipelines. py t&settings py x f- items.py scrap tc為t1 perpare(0 a myspider r tcast py 导入My=p1der1tem from myspider items import MyspiderItem i itcast_ pipeline json class Itcastspider(scrapy. Spider) 母_nit 吧虫名称,运行吧中的时候需要用到,必须唯一 re items. py 允许肥取的域名,防止肥虫爬到其他网站上了 middlewares. py re pipelines. py 起始的列表,爬虫从这些U开始爬职 re settings. py starturls-['http://www.itcaston/channel/teacher.shtml'i E scrap.cf >Ill External Libraries pider中的Par方法必须有 response直接可以通过 xpath方法提取数据 s names- response xpath('//divIeclass-"11 txt"]/h3/text()') t print(names) 先分组,获职包含老师信息的过v列表 divs reaponse xpath('//divteclass-"li txt"') 遍历ds,获段每一个为讲师信息 for div in divs --2.创建M甲 piderIt对象 item- MyapiderItem() extract fir9t()返回列表中的第一个字符串,列表为空没有返回cne 5、手写 pipelines,py、 items.py文件处理引擎传过来的数据 scrap a myspider myspider i pipelines. py D Proect 6中1命, toast.pyx i. pipelines G settings.py x i ■ scrap E:scrap 7 Bmyspider t class MyspiderPipeline (object) a spiders t def proceas isem(aclf, item, spider): Le__-py i itcast -py toast_pipeline sc import son Ea teachers,csv i unity class ItcastPipeline (obect) re items.py 4爬虫文件中提取数据的方法每y1e1d次iem,就会运行一次 te middlewares. py nIt t pipelines py open("toast pipeline jon","wb" Ie settings.py E scraps. cfg def process item(elf, item, spider) content=n.dmpt(at(item), ensure_ ascii-Fa1e)+,”9n.dm(是将字典转化为字串 self.f write(content, encode("utc-8" )) return⊥tem def close spider(self, spider) ile Edit View Navigate Code Refactor Run Tools VCs Window Help scrap B myspider myspider) ig items py DProject 6*I*.I+ 4 itcastpy x i- pipelines. pyx t settings. py x te items.py □ scrap E: scrap MyspiderItem a spider coding: utf-8 m a spiders f Define here the models for your scraped items rinit py See documentation in ie itcast py 6 #https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html io itcast_ pipeline json teachers. csy mport scrap t_init_- ⊥0 ie items. py class MyspiderItem(scrap Item) e middlewares. py g define the fields for your item here like i pig 13 name= scrap. Field( 自 scrap.cfg 15 title scrap Field( Ill External Libraries desc scrap Field( 19 6、在 settings.py设置开启 pipeline scrapy B myspider myspider te settings.py 6中|,"得 tcastpyx t pipelines. py x t settings.py×最 items. py v scrap E\scapy v B myspider +47我 Maich CaseRegexwo a spiders Enable or disable extensions fSeehttps://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topica/extensicns.html re toast py #EXTENSIONS- i itcast_ pipeline. son crapyextensions.telnet. relnetconsole': None El teachers. csv 9 Configure item pipelines r iter fSeehttps://doc.scrapy,org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html 得 middlewares. py r pipelines. py ig settings. py 工 EV PTPEIINZ3= A scrap. cfg s'myapide= pipelines, MyspiderPipeline': 300, ema ITEM PIPELINES =1 键(key)完整类名:摸块,类名 值优先级1):是一个0100整数,越小越先执行 Typo:In word Itcast more.(Ctrl+F1) Enable and configure the AutoThrottle extension (disabled by default) crapy. org/en/latest/topics/autothrottle.hta 求 AUTOTHROTTLE rui s The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies 7、运行 scrap爬虫:在项目目录下执行 scrapy crawl itcast ●特殊地,如想输岀为某种特定格式文件,在运行爬虫的命令后使用-σ选项可以输岀指定格式的文件 #输出CSV格式,使用逗号表达式,可用EXce1打开 scrapy crawI itcast -o teachers.csv #输出XML格式 scrapy crawl itcast -o teachers. xmI 实践小案例:爬取黑马师资(资历、姓名、职称)



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